Gracias por su aportación
Así que finalmente lo he conseguido (al menos eso creo)
He incrustado un Applescript para cambiar el fondo en un shell script que he añadido a launchd.
Esto es lo que parece:
script ""
osascript -e '
set myhour to get the (hours of (current date))
set myminutes to get the (minutes of (current date))
set mypicturenumber to (myhour - 12) * 12 + myminutes / 5 as integer
if mypicturenumber < 0 then
set mypicturenumber to (288 + mypicturenumber)
end if
set picnumber to 0
if mypicturenumber > 99 then
set picnumber to "0" & mypicturenumber
end if
if (99 ≥ mypicturenumber) = (9 < mypicturenumber) then
set picnumber to "00" & mypicturenumber
end if
if 9 ≥ mypicturenumber then
set picnumber to "000" & mypicturenumber
end if
tell application "Finder"
set desktop picture to {"Macintosh HD:users:USERNAME:Individualfile:backgrounds:earth:earth24h" & picnumber & ".png"} as alias
end tell
archivo launchd "com.individual.Background.plist"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
para ponerlo en marcha
launchctl load /Users/USERNAME/Individualfile/com.individual.Background.plist
El último comando está ahí para cargar el script directamente, sin embargo no se ejecutará al inicio. Para ello hay que copiar el archivo
a la carpeta ~/Libary/LaunchAgents/.