Mi MacBook Pro se duerme a menudo de forma aleatoria después de despertarse (las pantallas se oscurecen y se despierta por sí solo inmediatamente después o hay que despertarlo pulsando una tecla).
He notado que esto ocurre a menudo justo después de despertar el mac, pero creo que también ha ocurrido durante el uso normal, sin razón aparente (no se pulsa ninguna tecla en el momento en que el ordenador entra en reposo.
Algunos detalles sobre el MacBook:
- El MacBook ejecuta MacOS High Sierra 10.13.1;
- El modelo es el MacBook Pro (15 pulgadas, 2017);
- Una pantalla externa Thunderbolt 2 se conecta a través de un adaptador Thunderbolt 3 a Thunderbolt 2;
- Conecto mi iPhone a través de una base USB que se conecta al MacBook a través de la pantalla Thunderbolt. No puedo confirmar si el teléfono estaba conectado cuando ocurrió el evento.
- Suelo mantener mi MacBook conectado a una fuente de alimentación durante su uso, lo que significa que la mayoría de estos eventos, si no todos, han ocurrido mientras estaba enchufado a la corriente. Sin embargo, es posible que estos factores no estén relacionados.
He conseguido capturar los registros de pmset -g log
que creo que están alrededor del evento (no puedo estar seguro de que estos registros se correspondan exactamente con el evento, pero mirando el registro parece corresponder a lo que experimenté, con la pantalla apagándose y encendiéndose de nuevo inmediatamente después):
2017-11-20 19:43:49 +0100 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [powerd is slow(5019 ms)] [UPSB driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(939 ms)] [AppleHPMIECS driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(1068 ms)] [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(337 ms)] [AMDFramebufferVIB driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(337 ms)] [IOBluetoothHostControllerUARTTransport driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(524 ms)]
2017-11-20 19:43:49 +0100 Assertions Kernel Idle sleep preventers: IODisplayWrangler
2017-11-20 19:43:49 +0100 Notification Display is turned on
2017-11-20 19:43:49 +0100 Assertions PID 193(mDNSResponder) Created MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00008d52 [System: PrevIdle SRPrevSleep kCPU]
2017-11-20 19:43:49 +0100 Assertions PID 193(mDNSResponder) Released MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00008d52 [System: PrevIdle]
2017-11-20 19:43:50 +0100 Assertions PID 120(hidd) Created UserIsActive "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle.4294968006.3" 00:00:00 id:0x0x900008d55 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:43:51 +0100 Wake Wake from Normal Sleep [CDNVA] due to SPIT/UserActivity Assertion: Using AC (Charge:100%)
2017-11-20 19:43:51 +0100 HibernateStats hibmode=3 standbydelay=10800 24
2017-11-20 19:43:51 +0100 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [AirPort_BrcmNIC driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(332 ms)] [UPSB driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(543 ms)] [UPSB driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(541 ms)] [DSB0 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(418 ms)] [IGPU driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(971 ms)] [DSB1 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(417 ms)] [DSB4 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(417 ms)] [HDEF driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(969 ms)] [GFX0 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(967 ms)] [HDAU driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(968 ms)] [AppleHDADriver driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(362 ms)] [IOThunderboltController driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(470 ms)] [AMDFramebufferVIB driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(406 ms)]
2017-11-20 19:43:51 +0100 Assertions PID 77(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "com.apple.powermanagement.acwakelinger" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd00008d5c [System: PrevIdle DeclUser SRPrevSleep kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:36 +0100 Assertions PID 77(powerd) TimedOut InternalPreventSleep "com.apple.powermanagement.acwakelinger" 00:00:45 id:0x0xd00008d5c [System: PrevIdle DeclUser SRPrevSleep IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:36 +0100 Assertions Summary- [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp] Using AC(Charge: 100)
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Notification Display is turned off
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8278(nsurlsessiond) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "NSURLSessionTask 343480B1-55B5-42F3-A278-CCA8451F55B9" 00:00:01 id:0x0x100008efd [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8278(nsurlsessiond) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "NSURLSessionTask A67299B8-E500-403A-A9AE-0B660516C995" 00:00:01 id:0x0x100008efc [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8278(nsurlsessiond) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "NSURLSessionTask 96A26170-EBE5-4B75-9442-C0D80AE9919A" 00:00:01 id:0x0x100008efb [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8278(nsurlsessiond) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "NSURLSessionTask 7793AA40-7D22-4697-B405-3DEF86B6FAC5" 00:00:02 id:0x0x100008ef9 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8278(nsurlsessiond) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "NSURLSessionTask 30CBFF0F-66CF-4C2E-A877-C55D17EE203C" 00:00:02 id:0x0x100008ef8 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8278(nsurlsessiond) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "NSURLSessionTask CF6B6089-B198-4977-93D9-9674CA909A5B" 00:00:02 id:0x0x100008ef7 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 163(coreaudiod) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "com.apple.audio.AppleHDAEngineOutput:1F,3,0,1,1:0.context.preventuseridlesleep" 00:00:06 id:0x0x100008eb8 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8585(AddressBookSourceSync) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Address Book Source Sync" 00:00:26 id:0x0x100008e62 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 120(hidd) Summary UserIsActive "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle.4294968221.3" 00:00:00 id:0x0x900008d55 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8261(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "com.apple.tourist.notify" 00:00:12 id:0x0xb00008e9e [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8261(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "com.apple.silhouette.compute" 00:00:16 id:0x0xb00008e94 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8261(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "com.apple.photoanalysisd.backgroundanalysis" 00:00:17 id:0x0xb00008e93 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 88(mds) Summary BackgroundTask "com.apple.metadata.mds.power" 00:00:18 id:0x0xb00008e91 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8261(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "com.apple.photolibraryd.maintenance" 00:00:21 id:0x0xb00008e8c [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8261(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "com.apple.AddressBook.ScheduledSync" 00:00:26 id:0x0xb00008e64 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 8261(UserEventAgent) Summary BackgroundTask "com.apple.routined.learnedLocationEngine.train" 00:00:33 id:0x0xb00008de9 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 248(mds_stores) Summary BackgroundTask "com.apple.metadata.mds_stores.power" 00:00:38 id:0x0xb00008d9a [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 101(apsd) Summary ApplePushServiceTask "com.apple.apsd-login" 00:00:38 id:0x0xb00008d99 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 668(softwareupdate_notify_agent) Summary BackgroundTask "com.apple.softwareupdate.NotifyAgentAssertion-UpdatesAvailable" 00:00:46 id:0x0xb00008d7d [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 101(apsd) Summary InteractivePushServiceTask "com.apple.apsd-outgoingmessage" 00:00:29 id:0x0x1200008e2f [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 101(apsd) Summary InteractivePushServiceTask "com.apple.apsd-recreatecourierstate-push.apple.com" 00:00:06 id:0x0x1200008ebf [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions Kernel Idle sleep preventers: -None-
2017-11-20 19:44:41 +0100 Assertions PID 120(hidd) TurnedOn UserIsActive "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle.4294968228.11" 00:00:00 id:0x0x900008d55 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:42 +0100 Assertions PID 120(hidd) TurnedOn UserIsActive "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle.4294968228.11" 00:00:00 id:0x0x900008d55 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:42 +0100 Assertions PID 120(hidd) TurnedOn UserIsActive "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle.4294968228.11" 00:00:00 id:0x0x900008d55 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:44:42 +0100 Assertions Kernel Idle sleep preventers: IODisplayWrangler
2017-11-20 19:44:42 +0100 Notification Display is turned on
2017-11-20 19:44:54 +0100 Assertions PID 668(softwareupdate_notify_agent) Released BackgroundTask "com.apple.softwareupdate.NotifyAgentAssertion-UpdatesAvailable" 00:01:00 id:0x0xb00008d7d [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:45:14 +0100 Assertions PID 8585(AddressBookSourceSync) Released PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Address Book Source Sync" 00:01:00 id:0x0x100008e62 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:45:14 +0100 Assertions PID 8261(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "com.apple.AddressBook.ScheduledSync" 00:01:00 id:0x0xb00008e64 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:45:41 +0100 Assertions PID 101(apsd) Released ApplePushServiceTask "com.apple.apsd-login" 00:01:39 id:0x0xb00008d99 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:46:07 +0100 Assertions PID 8490(sharingd) Released PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Handoff" 00:01:07 id:0x0x100008fda [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:46:22 +0100 Assertions PID 248(mds_stores) Released BackgroundTask "com.apple.metadata.mds_stores.power" 00:02:19 id:0x0xb00008d9a [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:46:30 +0100 Assertions PID 88(mds) Released BackgroundTask "com.apple.metadata.mds.power" 00:02:06 id:0x0xb00008e91 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:46:47 +0100 Assertions PID 8077(backupd) ClientDied PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Time Machine backup" 01:37:21 id:0x0x100008c55 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:46:47 +0100 Assertions PID 8077(backupd) ClientDied BackgroundTask "Time Machine backup" 01:37:21 id:0x0xb00008c54 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2017-11-20 19:46:52 +0100 Assertions PID 8261(UserEventAgent) Released BackgroundTask "com.apple.photoanalysisd.backgroundanalysis" 00:02:28 id:0x0xb00008e93 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]