Mi iPhone sigue desconectándose de mi MacBook Pro; de hecho, cualquier iPhone que intento conectar (y con diferentes cables) nunca puede conectarse a él.
Estoy muy familiarizado con la línea de comandos y con Linux, así que si alguien tiene alguna indicación sobre lo que podría estar pasando aquí, no dude en publicar comandos o lugares donde pueda intentar encontrar el origen de este problema.
Especificaciones del MacBook: Sierra 10.13.3 MacBook de mediados de 2015 Core i7 de Intel a 2,2 GHz
iPhone 6s Plus / aunque he probado con iPhone 5 y iPhone 6 así como con 3 cables diferentes.
tail -f /var/system.log
la salida es la siguiente
Jan 25 12:21:05 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 320 times - this may be a leak
Jan 25 12:21:08 MyMac fud[1256]: objc[1256]: Class MobileAssetUpdater is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAccessoryUpdater.framework/Support/fud (0x10878de10) and /System/Library/AccessoryUpdaterBundles/ApplePowerAccessoryUpdater.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ApplePowerAccessoryUpdater (0x1087df8f8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 25 12:21:22 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 340 times - this may be a leak
Cuando conecto iTunes sigue haciendo lo mismo pero los informes de error son los siguientes:
Jan 25 12:30:22 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 840 times - this may be a leak
Jan 25 12:30:44 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 860 times - this may be a leak
Jan 25 12:30:56 MyMac com.apple.BKAgentService[1584]: DEPRECATED USE in libdispatch client: Setting timer interval to 0 requests a 1ns timer, did you mean FOREVER (a one-shot timer)?
Jan 25 12:30:56 MyMac iTunes[1582]: info> Scale factor of main display = 2.0
Jan 25 12:30:57 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:8
Jan 25 12:30:57 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - unable to query device capabilities
Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:8
Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Failed to extract ChipID from booted device
Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Failed to connect to device for lockdown query
Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Failed to extract ECID from booted device
Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Proxy returned empty ECID
Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Can't generate fake tracking identifier for device that's not of type recovery or DFU
Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:8
Jan 25 12:30:58 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Can't handle device disconnection since this device is not tracked
Jan 25 12:30:59 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:9
Jan 25 12:30:59 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:9
Jan 25 12:30:59 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
Jan 25 12:30:59 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:10
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:1fc0f - unable to query device capabilities
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:10
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Failed to extract BoardID from booted device
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Failed to connect to device for lockdown query
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Failed to extract ChipID from booted device
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Failed to connect to device for lockdown query
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Failed to extract ECID from booted device
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Proxy returned empty ECID
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Can't generate fake tracking identifier for device that's not of type recovery or DFU
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:10
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: tid:4e07 - Can't handle device disconnection since this device is not tracked
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac iTunes[1582]: failed to connect to USB device 0x60c0001b7f40, UDID ddda699531d5203e0a1fd580430d0f60df6a3353 (0xE8000084)
Jan 25 12:31:01 MyMac PrintUITool[488]: notify name "com.apple.system.powersources.source" has been registered 880 times - this may be a leak
Jan 25 12:31:03 MyMac iTunes[1582]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:11
emite estas líneas varias veces:
NCM Data: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
Apple USB Multiplexor: family specific matching fails
NCM Control: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
Estoy tratando de construir una aplicación en el momento por lo que no ser capaz de probar en un dispositivo real es un dolor, ¿alguien ha logrado solucionar esto o se encuentran antes?