Quiero hacer un programa que tome la pregunta que le hago, la introduzca en WolframAlpha, tome la respuesta, la convierta en texto y la diga.
set defaultAnswer to ""
set cancelButton to "Cancel"
set buttonResearch to “ReSearch”
display dialog "Query: " default answer defaultAnswer buttons {cancelButton, buttonResearch} default button buttonResearch cancel button cancelButton with icon 1
copy the result as list to {button_pressed, text_returned}
if (button_pressed is buttonResearch) and (text_returned is not "") then
open location "http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=" & my encode_text(text_returned, true, false)
set a to "http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i="
set b to my encode_text(text_returned, true, false)
set c to a & b
set myFile to (POSIX path of (path to temporary items)) & "curl_file.xml"
do shell script "curl -L " & c & " -o " & myFile
end if
-- encoding high-ASCII characters:
on encode_char(this_char)
set the ASCII_num to (the ASCII number this_char)
set the hex_list to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
set x to item ((ASCII_num div 16) + 1) of the hex_list
set y to item ((ASCII_num mod 16) + 1) of the hex_list
return ("%" & x & y) as string
end encode_char
-- TEXT ENCODING: encode spaces and high-level ASCII characters (those above 127)
-- encode_URL_A = encode most of the special characters reserved for use by URLs.
on encode_text(this_text, encode_URL_A, encode_URL_B)
set the standard_characters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
set the URL_A_chars to "$+!'/?;&@=#%><{}[]\"~`^\\|*"
set the URL_B_chars to ".-_:"
set the acceptable_characters to the standard_characters
if encode_URL_A is false then set the acceptable_characters to the acceptable_characters & the URL_A_chars
if encode_URL_B is false then set the acceptable_characters to the acceptable_characters & the URL_B_chars
set the encoded_text to ""
repeat with this_char in this_text
if this_char is in the acceptable_characters then
set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & this_char)
set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & encode_char(this_char)) as string
end if
end repeat
return the encoded_text
end encode_text
¿Cómo puedo acceder al archivo temporal?