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¿Cómo puedo seleccionar celdas no contiguas de la hoja de cálculo Numbers utilizando applescript?

El diccionario AppleScript Numbers tiene información sobre solo células, y un gama de células. Me gustaría especificar celdas individuales, no contiguas.

Mi ejemplo funciona, pero la repetición de líneas como ésta me molesta. ¿Existe una solución sencilla y más elegante/eficiente? ¿Pueden ir los nombres/números de las celdas en una lista? ¿Cuál sería la sintaxis?

Todos ellos dan varios errores:

set the background color of cell "A1" and "A5" to cellColour 
set the background color of cell "A1" & "A5" to cellColour 
set the background color of cell {“A1”, "A5”} to cellColour 
set the background color of cell {“A1:A5”} to cellColour
set the background color of cell {A1:A5} to cellColour
set the background color of cell (A1,A5) to cellColour
set the background color of cells {A1,A5} to cellColour

Mi script:

-- Opens a Numbers spreadsheet, then sets non contiguous cells' background colour
set cellColour to {0, 0, 0}

tell application "Numbers"
     if not (exists document 1) then make new document
       tell the front document
         tell active sheet
           set thisTable to ¬
               make new table with properties ¬
                  {row count:5, column count:3}
           tell thisTable
                set the width of every column to 30
                set the height of every row to 30
                -- make all cells white first
                repeat with i from 1 to the count of cells
                  set the background color of cell i to {65535, 65535, 65535}
                end repeat
                set the background color of cell "A1" to cellColour
                set the background color of cell "A5" to cellColour
                set the background color of cell "B2" to cellColour
                set the background color of cell "C4" to cellColour
           end tell
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

Gracias de antemano :-)


user3439894 Puntos 5883

Prueba lo siguiente:

set thisColor to {32767, 32766, 32767}
set theseCells to {"A1", "A5", "B2", "C4"}

tell application "Numbers"
    if not (exists document 1) then make new document
    tell the active sheet of the front document to set thisTable to ¬
        make new table with properties {row count:5, column count:3}
    tell thisTable
        set the width of its columns to 30
        set the height of its rows to 30
        set the background color of its cells to {65535, 65535, 65535}
        repeat with aCell in theseCells
            set the background color of cell aCell to thisColor
        end repeat
    end tell
end tell


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