1 votos

copiar entradas de calendario de un calendario a otro mediante apple script arroja error

Estoy intentando copiar entradas ical de un calendario a otro usando el siguiente script:

tell application "iCal"
    set localEvents to events of calendar "Privat"
    set remoteEvents to events of calendar "owncloud"
    repeat with theEvent in localEvents
        if theEvent is not in remoteEvents then
            copy theEvent to end of remoteEvents
        end if
    end repeat
end tell

arroja el siguiente error, que no entiendo:

error "«class wrev» id \"AEBA9736-5B3B-48D3-9DCA-80577709EAB5\" of
«class wres» id \"BAB254DB-3CC3-4383-B2E0-C8135EA5F65C\" of
application \"iCal\" kann nicht in Typ vector umgewandelt werden."
number -1700 from «class wrev» id
"AEBA9736-5B3B-48D3-9DCA-80577709EAB5" of «class wres» id
"BAB254DB-3CC3-4383-B2E0-C8135EA5F65C" to vector

¿qué significa y cómo puedo hacer que funcione el script?

0 votos

¿No recibe un evento un nuevo identificador si se traslada a un calendario diferente? En este caso if theEvent is not in remoteEvents siempre será cierto.

0 votos

¿cómo puedo copiar nuevos eventos, sin volver a copiar los eventos que se han copiado antes? este script se supone que se ejecuta una vez al día.

0 votos

¿Qué le impide crear directamente los eventos en el calendario de destino?


Abigale Moore Puntos 313

Esto es lo que tengo hasta ahora. Todo funciona bien, excepto mi comprobación duplicada. Solo recibo el tell statement de "Evento Descartado: Viejo". Cuando este no es el caso. ¿Alguna ayuda?

to getRecurrenceTermination(startDate, recurrenceString)
set olddel to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ";"
set tItems to text items of recurrenceString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "="
set d to 0
set untl to missing value
repeat with anItem in tItems

    set parts to text items of anItem
    set sec to word 3 of anItem

    if (offset of "FREQ=" in anItem) > 0 then
        if (offset of "WEEKLY" in anItem) > 0 then
            set d to 7
        else if (offset of "DAILY" in anItem) > 0 then
            set d to 1
        else if (offset of "MONTHLY" in anItem) > 0 then
            set d to 31
        end if
    else if (offset of "INTERVAL=" in anItem) > 0 then
        set d to d * sec
    else if (offset of "COUNT=" in anItem) > 0 then
        set d to d * sec
    else if (offset of "UNTIL=" in anItem) > 0 then
        set untl to current date
        set untl's year to text 1 thru 4 of sec
        set untl's month to text 5 thru 6 of sec
        set untl's day to text 7 thru 8 of sec
        set untl's hours to text 10 thru 11 of sec
        set untl's minutes to text 12 thru 13 of sec
        set untl's seconds to text 13 thru 14 of sec
    end if
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to olddel

if untl is missing value then
    if d is not 0 then
        set finalDate to startDate + (d * days)
        set finalDate to startDate + (1000 * days)
    end if
    set finalDate to untl
end if
return finalDate
end getRecurrenceTermination

tell application "iCal"

set TheCalendars to name of calendars

set theSourceCalendar to ""
set theDestinationCalendar to ""

choose from list TheCalendars with title "Please select a source calendar" without empty selection allowed
set theSourceCalendar to result as string

if theSourceCalendar is "" then
    --do nothing

    set theOtherCals to {}
    repeat with anItem in TheCalendars
        if (anItem as string) is not (theSourceCalendar as string) then set theOtherCals to theOtherCals & anItem
    end repeat

    choose from list theOtherCals with title "Please select a destination calendar" without empty selection allowed
    set theDestinationCalendar to result as string

    if theDestinationCalendar is "" then
        --do nothing

        display dialog "Copy calendar events from " & theSourceCalendar & " to " & theDestinationCalendar & "?" buttons {"OK", "Cancel"} default button 2
        if the button returned of the result is "OK" then
            set TheEvents to events of calendar theSourceCalendar
            set otherEvents to events of calendar theDestinationCalendar
            repeat with anEvent in TheEvents
                set curDate to current date
                set isNew to 1
                set startDate to start date of anEvent
                set endDate to end date of anEvent
                set eventStatus to status of anEvent
                set recuInfo to recurrence of anEvent
                set auid to uid of anEvent
                if recuInfo is not missing value then
                    set ed to my getRecurrenceTermination(startDate, recuInfo)
                end if
                if endDate  curDate and eventStatus is not none then
                    --check that is not already existing using uid of events
                    repeat with oEvent in otherEvents
                        set ouid to uid of oEvent
                        if ouid is equal to auid then
                            set isNew to 0
                            exit repeat
                        end if
                    end repeat
                    if isNew is not 0 then
                        duplicate anEvent to end of calendar theDestinationCalendar
                    end if
                    log "Event discarded: old"
                end if

            end repeat
            --do nothing
        end if
    end if
end if
end tell

Creo que el problema de la marca de comprobación de duplicados, cuando no existen duplicados es tal vez debido a esto?

set auid to uid of anEvent

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¿Has conseguido que funcione?


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