Mi configuración :
MacOS Sierra 10.12.3 (16D32)
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15', finales de 2013),
Modelo: MacBookPro11,2
CPU Intel Core i7 (i7-4750HQ) a 2 GHz: 4 núcleos
.. 4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
.. 4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
Bluetooth: Handoff/Airdrop2
Inalámbrico: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Paso para reproducir el choque :
- encender el wifi (a veces las caídas ocurrían justo después de desactivar el wifi y cuando los sistemas se reiniciaban la tarjeta wifi había desaparecido, el icono marcado con una cruz y la ventana emergente diciendo "no se ha detectado hardware wifi")
- desconecte cualquier cable thunderbolt ethernet o desactive la conexión ethernet
- simplemente usar el ordenador por ejemplo navegando con safari o chrome o esperar un poco sin hacer nada (menos de 2 minutos ahora, pero antes eran horas antes de que ocurriera el problema)
- ¡Boom! Pantalla negra, los ventiladores y las luces traseras de los teclados aumentan la actividad durante unos segundos y luego el ordenador se apaga por completo
Información destacada :
- el bluetooth puede estar encendido o apagado, no importa ni afecta el comportamiento del choque comportamiento aunque a veces al encender el ordenador después de un choque el bluetooth puede estar activado o desactivado cuando estaba en el estado contrario antes del accidente,
- no se produce ningún fallo cuando se conecta a internet tanto con wifi como con ethernet o sólo a través del puerto ethernet. El problema es sólo cuando el wifi está encendido.
- no se cuelga cuando en el mac se inicia en modo seguro y con solo wifi encendido
- el problema empezó después de actualizar a sierra os x y antes de esa fecha he tenido muy pocas caídas en años (casi ninguna). Lamentablemente mis copias de time machine antes de migrar a sierra se han sobrescrito con las copias posteriores a sierra
He probado varias soluciones pero el problema persiste. Aquí hay una lista de las operaciones que he hecho hasta ahora con cero éxito:
- Cambiar el código de país de la tarjeta inalámbrica de Mac OS X como se explica aquí
- eliminar todas las preferencias de wifi y todas las extensiones, LaunchAgents, LaunchDeamons, pluggins de Internet, etc. (ambos en /Library/, ~/Library/, /System/Library, etc.)
- eliminar todas mis aplicaciones que podrían estropear el sistema (brew, ports, cleaner, magicPrefs, Citrix, antivirus, etc.) y limpiar todos sus archivos restantes (como los archivos .plist, etc.)
- actualización a os x sierra con las utilidades del modo recovery
- llave usb de arranque, formato de disco duro, instalación limpia de os x sierra y recuperación de datos personales con time machine
- y por supuesto he intentado contactar con el soporte de apple (mensajes de feedback/bug report, llamadas telefónicas y varias visitas al llamado genius bar donde todas las pruebas de hardware no mostraron nada malo (su conclusión : como funciona bien en modo seguro, podría ser un problema de software pero no saben dónde y por qué encender el wifi está provocando los cuelgues). Mi convicción: es un controlador defectuoso de la tarjeta wifi Sierra el responsable de los fallos, ya que siempre obtengo registros de fallos de com.apple.driver.AirPort.Brcm4360.0 después de cada apagado no deseado y algunas veces acompañados de un registro de fallos de com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family (archivo de registro de CCIOReporter).
Creo que todo está dicho sobre mi problema. Y también voy a proporcionar un informe de accidente (bastante desordenado) o un informe etreCheck (más claro), pero ambos no dieron información utilizable. Espero que mi planteamiento pueda ayudar a algunos de vosotros a resolver problemas similares y también que algunos puedan ayudarme a encontrar una solución.
Extracto del informe EtrePort :
Les informations matérielles :
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15 pouces, fin 2013)
\[Les caractéristiques techniques\] - \[Le guide de l’utilisateur\] - \[Garantie & service\]
MacBook Pro - modèle : MacBookPro11,2
1 2 GHz Intel Core i7 (i7-4750HQ) CPU: 4-core
8 GB RAM Pas extensible
4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
Bluetooth: Bon - Handoff/Airdrop2 disponible
Wireless: en0: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
La batterie : Santé = Satisfaisant - Comptage de cycles = 426
Les informations vidéo :
Intel Iris Pro
Color LCD 2880 x 1800
Les logiciel du système :
macOS Sierra 10.12.3 (16D32) - Temps depuis le démarrage : environ 2 heures
Les informations des disques :
APPLE SSD SM0256F disk0 : (251 GB) (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
\[Afficher le rapport SMART\]
EFI (disk0s1) : 210 Mo
Recovery HD (disk0s3) \[Restauration\] : 650 Mo
Macintosh HD (disk1) / \[Startup\] : 249.78 Go (50.76 Go libre)
Crypté AES-XTS Ouvert
Core Storage: disk0s2 250.14 Go Online
Les informations USB :
Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
Les informations Thunderbolt :
Apple Inc. thunderbolt\_bus
Apple Inc. Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
Les fichiers de configuration :
/etc/sudoers, Taille du fichier 2299 mais 1563 prévu
Le gatekeeper :
Mac App Store et développeurs identifiés
Les agents de lancement systèmes :
\[engagé\] com.apple.LocalAuthentication.UIAgent.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.NowPlayingTouchUI.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.accessibility.dfrhud.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.controlstrip.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.eosauthagent.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.eospreflightagent.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.imautomatichistorydeletionagent.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.screencapturetb.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.touchbar.agent.plist (2017-01-13)
\[désengagé\] 7 tâches d’Apple
\[engagé\] 168 tâches d’Apple
\[en marche\] 95 tâches d’Apple
Les daemons de lancement systèmes :
\[engagé\] com.apple.biokitaggdd.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.biometrickitd.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.eoshostd.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.nfcd.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.nfrestore.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.seld.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.touchbar.user-device.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] com.apple.xartstorageremoted.plist (2017-01-13)
\[engagé\] org.cups.cupsd.plist (2017-01-13)
\[désengagé\] 40 tâches d’Apple
\[engagé\] 151 tâches d’Apple
\[en marche\] 110 tâches d’Apple
Les éléments Ouverture :
iTunesHelper Application (2017-02-13)
SpeechSynthesisServer Application
Les extensions de Safari :
Save to Pocket
Les panneaux de préférences tiers :
Flash Player (2016-12-16) \[Aide\]
Le Time Machine :
Ignorer les fichiers du système : NON
Sauvegardes mobiles : Allumé
Sauvegarde automatique : OUI
Disques sauvegardés :
Macintosh HD : Taille de disque : 249.78 Go Disque utilisé : 199.02 Go
Destinations :
My Book 1 \[Network\]
Taille totale : 2.00 To
Nombre total de sauvegardes : 26
Sauvegarde la plus ancienne : 29/12/2016 19:38
Dernière sauvegarde : 17/02/2017 04:28
Taille du disque de sauvegarde : Excellent
Taille de sauvegarde 2.00 To >(Taille de disque 249.78 Go X 3)
L’utilisation du CPU par processus :
6% WindowServer
3% kernel\_task
1% fontd
1% Google Chrome Helper(38)
1% com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent
L’utilisation de la RAM par processus :
3.39 Go Google Chrome Helper(38)
839 Mo kernel\_task
328 Mo Google Chrome
270 Mo WindowServer
213 Mo Mail
Les informations de la mémoire virtuelle :
2.05 Go RAM disponible
22 Mo RAM libre
5.95 Go RAM utilisé
2.02 Go Fichiers en cache
2 Mo Fichier d’échange utilisé
AirPortBrcm4360 log extract :
Feb 17 02:40:38.185638 +0100 000001.629593 Brcm4360\[279\] \[0xf285b62e64aa2843\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::configHandler: PCIe config handler: \[ARPT\], message\[0xe0000210\] state\[3\] timestamp\[0x0000000000000000\] calendartime\[0x000548b00030a6a4\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185741 +0100 000001.629696 Brcm4360\[281\] \[0xf285b62e64aa2843\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::configHandler: PCIe config handler: \[ARPT\], message\[0xe0000225\] state\[3\] timestamp\[0x000000000018dd9a\] calendartime\[0x000548b00030a70b\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185783 +0100 000001.629737 Brcm4360\[284\] \[0xf285b62e64aa2843\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::start: this\[0xf285b62f23496ec3\] vendor\[0x14e4\] device\[0x43a0\] ... registerService() ... return
Feb 17 02:40:38.185800 +0100 000001.629755 Brcm4360\[285\] \[0xf285b62e64aa2cdb\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerChange: messageType\[0xe0000340\], params(changeFlags\[0x00000000\] fromCapabilities\[0x00000000\] toCapabilities\[0x0000000f\])
Feb 17 02:40:38.185803 +0100 000001.629758 Brcm4360\[286\] \[0xf285b62e64aa2cdb\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerChange: returning: \_powerState\[0\] \_systemSleeping\[0\] systemWoke\[0\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185859 +0100 000001.629814 Brcm4360\[287\] \[0xf285b62e652bbeeb\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 2, timestamp\[0x000000000018de74\] calendartime\[0x000548b00030a781\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185861 +0100 000001.629816 Brcm4360\[288\] \[0xf285b62e652bbeeb\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 2, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.185872 +0100 000001.629827 Brcm4360\[289\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: Called powerStateOrdinal = 2, timestamp\[0x000000000018de81\] calendartime\[0x000548b00030a78e\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185875 +0100 000001.629830 Brcm4360\[290\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback\[2\]systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[0\] \_powerState\[0\] \_down\[0\] \_up\[0\] osh\[0xf285b62e652f9ca3\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.186029 +0100 000001.629984 Brcm4360\[297\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerCycleInProgress: state \[0\] -> \[1\], name\['wl\_fatal\_error'\] id\[31094\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.186032 +0100 000001.629987 Brcm4360\[298\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerCycleInProgress: \_up\[0\] \_down\[0\] \_powerSleep\[0\] \_powerState\[0\] \_powerCycleThreadWaiting\[0\] \_powerOffOnThreadBlockedForWake\[0\] \_powerCycleOffOnThreadRunning\[0\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.186080 +0100 000001.630035 Brcm4360\[301\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] KMOD info(name: 'com.apple.driver.AirPort.Brcm4360' version\['1130.3.1a5'\] address\[0xf285b62dd3585ec3\] size\[0x7c1000\])
Feb 17 02:40:38.195335 +0100 000001.639290 Brcm4360\[1803\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: Device in bad state after wakeup - err:-1
Feb 17 02:40:38.195336 +0100 000001.639291 Brcm4360\[1804\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: Device in bad state after wakeup - err:-1
Feb 17 02:40:38.195338 +0100 000001.639293 Brcm4360\[1805\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback\[2\] systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[0\] \_powerState\[2\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195340 +0100 000001.639295 Brcm4360\[1806\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, ACK'ing.
Feb 17 02:40:38.195357 +0100 000001.639311 Brcm4360\[1809\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: calling setPOWER(OFF)
Feb 17 02:40:38.195359 +0100 000001.639314 Brcm4360\[1810\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(): >>>> \_powerState\[2\] \_lastUserRequestedPowerState\[2\] \_systemSleeping\[0\] \_powerOffInProgress\[0\] \_powerOffThreadRequest\[1\], \_powerSleep\[0\] pid\[0\]'kernel\_task'
Feb 17 02:40:38.195364 +0100 000001.639319 Brcm4360\[1812\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(OFF): \_powerState\[2\] \_lastUserRequestedPowerState\[2\] \_systemSleeping\[0\] \_powerOffInProgress\[0\] \_powerOffThreadRequest\[1\] selfpid\[0\] inprogress\[0\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195411 +0100 000001.639366 Brcm4360\[1815\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(OFF): calling changePowerStateToPriv( PS\_INDEX\_DOZE )
Feb 17 02:40:38.195421 +0100 000001.639376 Brcm4360\[1816\] \[0xf285b62e652bbeeb\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 2, timestamp\[0x00000000001903cd\] calendartime\[0x000548b00030ccda\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195425 +0100 000001.639380 Brcm4360\[1817\] \[0xf285b62e652bbeeb\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback\[3\]systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[2\] \_down\[1\] \_up\[0\] osh\[0xf285b62e652f9ca3\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195428 +0100 000001.639383 Brcm4360\[1818\] \[0xf285b62e652bbeeb\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: enabled\[0\] interfaceFlags\[0x0822\] ifup\[0\], timestamp\[0x00000000001903d5\] calendartime\[0x000548b00030cce2\], commandWakeup()
Feb 17 02:40:38.195466 +0100 000001.639421 Brcm4360\[1822\] \[0xf285b62e652bbeeb\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback\[3\] systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[2\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195468 +0100 000001.639423 Brcm4360\[1823\] \[0xf285b62e652bbeeb\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 2, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.195580 +0100 000001.639535 Brcm4360\[1838\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPOWER():
Feb 17 02:40:38.195581 +0100 000001.639536 Brcm4360\[1839\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: setPOWER(OFF) returned 0.
Feb 17 02:40:38.195584 +0100 000001.639539 Brcm4360\[1841\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: OFF -> ON, Delaying \_powerOffOnDelayms\[ 300\] (ms)
Feb 17 02:40:38.195596 +0100 000001.639551 Brcm4360\[1842\] \[0xf285b62e64aa2843\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 1, timestamp\[0x000000000019047d\] calendartime\[0x000548b00030cd8a\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195598 +0100 000001.639553 Brcm4360\[1843\] \[0xf285b62e64aa2843\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 1, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.195613 +0100 000001.639568 Brcm4360\[1844\] \[0xf285b62e654a55e3\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: Called powerStateOrdinal = 1, timestamp\[0x000000000019048d\] calendartime\[0x000548b00030cd9a\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496617 +0100 000001.940572 Brcm4360\[1845\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: calling setPOWER(ON)
Feb 17 02:40:38.496622 +0100 000001.940577 Brcm4360\[1846\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(): >>>> \_powerState\[2\] \_lastUserRequestedPowerState\[1\] \_systemSleeping\[0\] \_powerOffInProgress\[1\] \_powerOffThreadRequest\[0\], \_powerSleep\[0\] pid\[0\]'kernel\_task'
Feb 17 02:40:38.496626 +0100 000001.940581 Brcm4360\[1848\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(ON): \_powerState\[2\] \_lastUserRequestedPowerState\[1\], calling changePowerStateToPriv( PS\_INDEX\_ON )
Feb 17 02:40:38.496660 +0100 000001.940615 Brcm4360\[1850\] \[0xf285b62e654a55e3\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 1, callback\[2\]systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[2\] \_down\[0\] \_up\[1\] osh\[0xf285b62e652f9ca3\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496707 +0100 000001.940662 Brcm4360\[1857\] \[0xf285b62e654a55e3\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: WWEN\[disabled\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496844 +0100 000001.940799 Brcm4360\[1864\] \[0xf285b62e654a55e3\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdina = 1, callback\[2\] systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[1\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496846 +0100 000001.940801 Brcm4360\[1865\] \[0xf285b62e654a55e3\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 1, ACK'ing.
Feb 17 02:40:38.496863 +0100 000001.940818 Brcm4360\[1866\] \[0xf285b62e654a55e3\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 1, timestamp\[0x00000000001d9d50\] calendartime\[0x000548b00035665d\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496866 +0100 000001.940821 Brcm4360\[1867\] \[0xf285b62e654a55e3\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 1, callback\[3\]systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[1\] \_down\[0\] \_up\[1\] osh\[0xf285b62e652f9ca3\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496869 +0100 000001.940824 Brcm4360\[1868\] \[0xf285b62e654a55e3\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 1, callback\[3\] systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[1\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496870 +0100 000001.940825 Brcm4360\[1869\] \[0xf285b62e654a55e3\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 1, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.496898 +0100 000001.940853 Brcm4360\[1870\] \[0xf285b62e654a886b\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 2, timestamp\[0x00000000001d9d72\] calendartime\[0x000548b00035667f\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496900 +0100 000001.940855 Brcm4360\[1871\] \[0xf285b62e654a886b\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 2, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.496912 +0100 000001.940867 Brcm4360\[1872\] \[0xf285b62e64aa43d3\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: Called powerStateOrdinal = 2, timestamp\[0x00000000001d9d81\] calendartime\[0x000548b00035668e\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496915 +0100 000001.940870 Brcm4360\[1873\] \[0xf285b62e64aa43d3\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback\[2\]systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[1\] \_down\[0\] \_up\[1\] osh\[0xf285b62e652f9ca3\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724489 +0100 000002.168444 Brcm4360\[1880\] \[0xf285b62e64aa43d3\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback\[2\] systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[2\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724493 +0100 000002.168448 Brcm4360\[1881\] \[0xf285b62e64aa43d3\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, ACK'ing.
Feb 17 02:40:38.724516 +0100 000002.168471 Brcm4360\[1882\] \[0xf285b62e652be843\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 2, timestamp\[0x0000000000211693\] calendartime\[0x000548b00038dfa0\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724521 +0100 000002.168476 Brcm4360\[1883\] \[0xf285b62e652be843\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback\[3\]systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[2\] \_down\[0\] \_up\[1\] osh\[0xf285b62e652f9ca3\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724524 +0100 000002.168479 Brcm4360\[1884\] \[0xf285b62e652be843\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: enabled\[0\] interfaceFlags\[0x0822\] ifup\[0\], timestamp\[0x000000000021169d\] calendartime\[0x000548b00038dfaa\], commandWakeup()
Feb 17 02:40:38.724960 +0100 000002.168915 Brcm4360\[1887\] \[0xf285b62e652be843\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback\[3\] systemWoke\[0\] \_powerSleep\[1\] \_powerState\[2\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724963 +0100 000002.168918 Brcm4360\[1888\] \[0xf285b62e652be843\]\[0\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 2, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.724975 +0100 000002.168930 Brcm4360\[1889\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPOWER():
Feb 17 02:40:38.724977 +0100 000002.168932 Brcm4360\[1890\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: setPOWER(ON) returned 0.
Feb 17 02:40:38.724983 +0100 000002.168938 Brcm4360\[1891\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerCycleInProgress: state \[1\] -> \[0\], name\['powerCycleOffOnThread'\] id\[5317\]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724986 +0100 000002.168941 Brcm4360\[1892\] \[0xf285b62e652bba53\]\[1\]\[0\] AirPort\_Brcm43xx::setPowerCycleInProgress: \_up\[1\] \_down\[0\] \_powerSleep\[0\] \_powerState\[2\] \_powerCycleThreadWaiting\[0\] \_powerOffOnThreadBlockedForWake\[0\] \_powerCycleOffOnThreadRunning