Me ha costado unas cuantas horas dar con una solución que funcione en mi entorno. Tenga en cuenta que algunos elementos necesitan internacionalización como "Vorschau" o "Sichern". Esta es una solución en alemán que funciona con PowerPoint para Mac 16.16.27 en MacOS HighSierra 10.13.6.
Tuve que depurar mucho las cosas con ScriptDebug (99 dólares bien gastados..) para que las cosas funcionaran. Tenga en cuenta cómo se utiliza la vista previa para el ahorro de PDF real. Traté de hacer esto desde Powerpoint pero no era confiable.
véase para una versión actualizada de esto.
Ejemplo de llamada
ppt2pdf *.pptx
Tenga en cuenta que los archivos se esperan en el directorio actual. El applescript ppt2pdf.scpt espera la ruta de los archivos como primer parámetro y todos los demás como simples nombres de archivos. Este comportamiento podría cambiarse fácilmente.
# WF 2020-11-15
# use current path as base path
osascript $HOME/source/applescript/ppt2pdf.scpt $(pwd) $@
-- 2018-01-31
-- modified by WF 2020-11-15
-- ppt2Pdf({"/Users/wf/Projekte/2020/Infrastruktur2020/ppt2pdf", "TestMe.pptx"})
-- passing command line arguments to applescript
on run (argv)
log (count (argv))
if ((count of argv) < 2) then
log "usage: ppt2pdf basepath [filenames]"
my ppt2Pdf(argv)
end if
end run
-- convert powerpoint to pdf on the given list of files
on ppt2Pdf(fileNames)
log "launching Powerpoint ..."
set pp to "Microsoft PowerPoint"
tell application pp -- work on version 15.15 or newer
set isfirst to true
repeat with fileName in fileNames
if isfirst then
set basepath to fileName
log "base path is " & basepath
set isfirst to false
if fileName ends with ".ppt" or fileName ends with ".pptx" or fileName ends with ".pptm" then
set filePath to basepath & "/" & fileName
-- set filePath to POSIX path of fileAlias
set pdfPath to my makeNewPath(filePath)
log "trying to convert powerpoint file " & filePath & " to " & pdfPath
open filePath
-- save active presentation in pdfPath as save as PDF
-- save in same folder
--tell application "System Events"
-- set listOfProcesses to (name of every process where background only is false)
-- tell me to set selectedProcesses to choose from list listOfProcesses with multiple selections allowed
--end tell
--repeat with processName in selectedProcesses
-- log processName
--end repeat
if not my chooseMenuItem(pp, "Datei", "Drucken...") then
error number -128
end if
--my showUiElements(pp, "menu button")
-- my waitFor(button whose description is "PDF", 5, 0.5)
my choosePopUp(pp, "Layout für den Druck", "Notizen")
my choosePopUp(pp, "Farbausgabeformat", "Farbe")
--my chooseMenuButtonItem(pp, "PDF", "Als PDF sichern")
local myTitle
tell application "System Events"
-- the magic of Applescript
-- if you really want the title and not a reference to it you need to use an operator
set myTitle to title of window 1 of process pp & ""
end tell
my chooseMenuButtonItem(pp, "PDF", "In Vorschau öffnen")
delay 5
tell application "System Events"
log "waiting for Vorschau to display " & myTitle
set timeLeft to my waitForAppearWindow(myTitle, process "Vorschau", 30, 0.5)
if timeLeft < 0 then
log "Vorschau " & myTitle & " window didn't show up after 30 secs"
error number -128
log "Vorschau appeared with " & timeLeft & "secs left"
tell process "Vorschau"
delay 0.2
click menu item "Als PDF exportieren …" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Ablage" of menu bar 1
delay 0.5
-- CMD-SHIFT-G to set the export director
keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
delay 0.2
tell sheet 1 of window (myTitle)
tell sheet 1
-- dereference basePath
local basePathStr
set basePathStr to basepath & ""
set value of first combo box to basePathStr
delay 0.2
click button "Öffnen"
delay 0.2
end tell
click button "Sichern"
set timeLeft to my waitForAppear(sheet 1, 3, 0.2)
tell sheet 1
if timeLeft > 0 then
click button "Ersetzen"
end if
end tell
delay 5
keystroke "q" using {command down}
end tell
end tell
end if
end tell
--tell application "System Events"
-- set timeLeft to my waitForAppear("button", button "Sichern" of sheet 1 of sheet 1 of window 1 of process pp, 5, 0.5)
-- if timeLeft < 0 then
-- log "Sichern button didn't show up after 5 secs"
-- error number -128
-- end if
-- click button "Sichern" of sheet 1 of sheet 1 of window 1 of process pp
--end tell
--tell application "System Events"
-- delay 0.5
-- try
-- set timeLeft to my waitForAppear("button", button "Ersetzen" of sheet 1 of sheet 1 of sheet 1 of window 1 of process pp, 5, 0.5)
-- if timeLeft < 0 then
-- log "Ersetzen button didn't show up after 5 secs"
-- error number -128
-- end if
-- click button "Ersetzen" of sheet 1 of sheet 1 of sheet 1 of window 1 of process pp
-- end try
--end tell
log "done ..."
-- close filePath
end if
end if
end repeat
-- still in tell powerpoint context
--tell application "System Events"
-- delay 0.5
-- try
-- set timeLeft to my waitForVanish("window", window "Sichern" of process pp, 60, 1)
-- if timeLeft < 0 then
-- log "print dialog didn't vanish after 60 secs"
-- error number -128
-- end if
-- end try
--end tell
end tell
end ppt2Pdf
on showElement(uiElem)
local className
set className to class of uiElem as string
log (((«class pDSC» of uiElem as string) & "=" & value of uiElem as string) & "(" & className) & ")"
end showElement
-- show all UI elements
on showUiElements(appName, filterClassName)
tell application "System Events"
tell process appName
tell (1st window whose value of attribute "AXMain" is true)
repeat with uiElem in entire contents of it as list
local className
set className to class of uiElem as string
if filterClassName is missing value or className is filterClasssname then
log (((description of uiElem as string) & "=" & value of uiElem as string) & "(" & className) & ")"
end if
end try
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
end showUiElements
-- wait for the given element to appear
on waitForAppearWindow(elementName, parentElement, time, slice)
set timeLeft to time
set appeared to false
repeat until (appeared) or timeLeft 0
set appeared to window elementName of parentElement exists
end try
delay slice
log "."
set timeLeft to timeLeft - slice
end repeat
log timeLeft
return timeLeft
end waitForAppearWindow
-- wait for the given element to appear
on waitForAppear(element, time, slice)
set timeLeft to time
set appeared to false
repeat until (appeared) or timeLeft 0
set appeared to element exists
end try
delay slice
log "."
set timeLeft to timeLeft - slice
end repeat
log timeLeft
return timeLeft
end waitForAppear
--- wait for the given element to vanish
on waitForVanish(element, time, slice)
set timeLeft to time
repeat while (exists element) and timeLeft > 0
delay slice
log "."
set timeLeft to timeLeft - slice
end repeat
end try
log timeLeft
return timeLeft
end waitForVanish
on chooseMenuButtonItem(appName, buttonName, itemName)
tell application "System Events"
tell process appName
tell window 1
local win1
set win1 to it
tell sheet 1
log "choosing " & itemName & " of menu button " & buttonName
tell menu button buttonName
delay 0.1
tell menu 1
click menu item itemName
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end chooseMenuButtonItem
-- choose a popup
on choosePopUp(appName, buttonName, itemName)
tell application "System Events"
tell process appName
tell window 1
tell sheet 1
log "choosing " & itemName & " of pop up menu " & buttonName
--repeat with pbutton in pop up buttons
-- local pbutton1
-- set pbutton1 to pbutton
-- log description of pbutton & "=" & value of pbutton
--end repeat
tell (1st pop up button whose description is buttonName)
click it
delay 0.5
pick menu item itemName of menu 1
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end choosePopUp
-- LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/MacAutomationScriptingGuide
-- AutomatetheUserInterface.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40016239-CH69-SW17
on chooseMenuItem(theAppName, theMenuName, theMenuItemName)
-- Bring the target app to the front
tell application theAppName
end tell
-- Target the app
tell application "System Events"
tell process theAppName
-- Target the menu bar
tell menu bar 1
-- Target the menu by name
tell menu bar item theMenuName
tell menu theMenuName
-- Click the menu item
log "clicking " & theMenuItemName
click menu item theMenuItemName
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
return true
on error
return false
end try
end chooseMenuItem
on makeNewPath(f)
set t to f as string
if t ends with ".pptx" or t ends with ".pptm" then
return (text 1 thru -5 of t) & "pdf"
return (text 1 thru -4 of t) & "pdf"
end if
end makeNewPath
0 votos
¿Y con la nota clave?
0 votos
¿Es Keynote más programable que PowerPoint? Por cierto, sé cómo hacer el PDF deseado a partir de un archivo PPT abierto. El problema es que tengo más de 25 archivos y prefiero no hacerlo de uno en uno.
0 votos
Ok voy a hacer un script pronto.
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0 votos
@bmike ¿No son esto y ¿Imposibles?
0 votos
Cerrar @n1000 Una vez que tenemos 7 o más duplicados, tiene sentido entrar y decidir cuáles fusionar y cuáles cerrar. Mientras estén enlazados está sirviendo el propósito y no perjudica nada que yo vea.