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¿Cómo puedo emplear el manejador "makeASDate" de CJK sin error?

Estoy tratando de emplear el manejador makeASDate compartido por el usuario CJK (que tomé de su respuesta en Apple script: No se puede obtener la fecha de "2018-12-12 10:00 AM" ) para configurar algunos eventos del calendario, uno por día, a partir de una hoja de cálculo de Números que contenga Fecha, Lectura y Números de Página.

Data from Numbers

From https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/345480/apple-script-can-t-get-date-of-2018-12-12-1000-am.

Aquí está mi código, hasta ahora:

set CalendarDates to {}
set CalendarDateMonths to {}
set CalendarDateDatesOfMonths to {}
set Passages to {}
set PageNumbers to {}
set theYear to 2021

tell application "Numbers" to tell the front document to tell the active sheet to tell table 1
    repeat with i from 2 to the count of cells of column "A" -- row 1 is a header
        set theCalendarDate to formatted value of cell i of column "A"
        set theCalendarDateMonth to the first word of theCalendarDate
        set theCalendarDateDateOfMonth to the second word of theCalendarDate
        set thePassage to formatted value of cell i of column "B"
        set thePageNumbers to formatted value of cell i of column "C"

        set the end of CalendarDates to theCalendarDate
        set the end of CalendarDateMonths to theCalendarDateMonth
        set the end of CalendarDateDatesOfMonths to theCalendarDateDateOfMonth
        set the end of Passages to thePassage
        set the end of PageNumbers to thePageNumbers
    end repeat

    set theCalendarDate to missing value
    set theCalendarDateMonth to missing value
    set theCalendarDateDateOfMonth to missing value
    set thePassage to missing value
    set thePageNumbers to missing value
end tell

repeat with i from 1 to the count of CalendarDates
    set theSummary to (item i of Passages)
    set theStartDate to makeASDate given |year|:theYear, |month|:(item i of CalendarDateMonths), |day|:(item i of CalendarDateDatesOfMonths), |hours|:7, |minutes|:30
    set theEndDate to makeASDate given |year|:theYear, |month|:(item i of CalendarDateMonths), |day|:(item i of CalendarDateDatesOfMonths), |hours|:8, |minutes|:30
    set theDescription to "Pages " & (item i of PageNumbers) & "of Tyndale's The Chronological Life Application Study Bible."
    set theURL to "https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=" & urlEncode(item i of Passages) & "&version=AMP&interface=print"
    set theAlldayEvent to false
    set theStampDate to current date
    set theStatus to "none"
    set theLocation to "facetime:chrishota@gmail.com"

    tell application "Calendar"
        -- If calendar doesn't exist, create such. Note, this creates local. I don't yet know how to create an iCloud-based Calendar, yet iCloud calendars may be selected if pre-created.
        set theCalendarName to "Bible Readings"
            set theCalendar to (first calendar where its name = theCalendarName)
        on error
            set theCalendarDescription to "Readings for the reading of the Bible, chronologically, in the span of one year."
            set theCalendar to make new calendar with properties {name:theCalendarName, description:theCalendarDescription}
        end try
        -- Ensure work is with the proper calendar.
        set theCalendar to (first calendar where its name = theCalendarName)

        tell calendar theCalendar
            make new event with properties {description:theDescription, start date:theStartDate, end date:theEndDate, theAlldayEvent:false, stamp date:current date, status:none, summary:theSummary, location:theLocation, url:"http://biblegateway.com/"}
        end tell
    end tell
end repeat

La hoja de cálculo Numbers se carga correctamente, pero al construir la fecha con MakeASDate, recibo el error "The year parameter is missing for makeASDate".

Script Debugger showing a runtime error in the makeASDate handler.

¡Cualquier ayuda para corregir lo que está mal sería útil!

Edición: He actualizado el código a:

    set theStartDate to makeASDate given year:2021, month:(item i of CalendarDateMonths as integer), day:(item i of CalendarDateDatesOfMonths as integer), hours:7, minutes:30, seconds:0
    set theEndDate to makeASDate given year:2021, month:(item i of CalendarDateMonths as integer), day:(item i of CalendarDateDatesOfMonths as integer), hours:8, minutes:30, seconds:0
    display dialog "CalendarDateMonths[" & i & "]" & ": " & (item i of CalendarDateMonths as integer) & linefeed & linefeed & "theStartDate: " & theStartDate & linefeed & linefeed & "theEndDate: " & theEndDate

Ahora, cuando compilo y ejecuto el código, me devuelve marzo en lugar de febrero cuando introduzco un valor de "2" (he cambiado el formato de la columna Fecha en números para que sea m/d):

The value supplied is 2, yet March is returned by the makeASDate handler.


Anonymous Coder Puntos 23

El manejador de Apple script: No se puede obtener la fecha de "2018-12-12 10:00 AM" tiene un error: sus resultados dependen de la fecha actual. Vea la explicación completa allí, pero la versión corta es que cuando se establece un componente de un AppleScript date Si crea una fecha imposible, como el 31 de febrero, se ajustará para crear una posible: en este caso, el 3 de marzo (o el 2 de marzo en un año bisiesto).

Para arreglar el manejador, o bien establecer tanto el day y month a 1 primero, o empezar con una fecha fija con un mes y un día de baja numeración como "1/1/1970" en lugar de current date .


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