Estoy intentando sacar datos de una tabla en Numbers. Tengo un número de índice, necesito obtener el nombre asociado a él en applescript. (Eventualmente necesito establecer nombres de archivos con una de las columnas de esta hoja de números)
esto es lo que tengo:
tell application "iTunes"
repeat with theTrack in selection
set theFile to location of theTrack
tell application "Finder" to set theName to name of theFile
set surahNameAsString to characters 1 thru 3 of theName as text
--set album of theTrack to surahName
set surahNumber to surahNameAsString as integer
log ("here")
set aName to my getAName(surahNumber)
--set the year of theTrack to 1985
end repeat
end tell
on getAName(surahNumber)
tell application "Numbers"
set t to front document's active sheet's first table's cell whose value is surahNumber
--set t to front document's active sheet's first table's first column
repeat with c in t
set theValue to c's value
end repeat
end tell
return theValue
end getAName