Quería eliminar los directorios Root de la ruta, ejecutar en múltiples archivos, y saltar si ya hay algo en el campo, (y copiar a la descripción no a los comentarios), así que lo hice:
tell application "iTunes"
if selection is not {} then -- there are tracks selected
-- store current sort so we can fix during run
set oldfi to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
set mySelection to selection
repeat with aTrack in mySelection
-- if description empty
set old_desc to ((get description of aTrack) as text)
if old_desc is "" then
-- get path of file
set loc to POSIX path of ((get location of aTrack) as text)
-- replace /Users/techtitch/Music/ with ~Music/
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/Users/username/Music/"
set the item_list to every text item of loc
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "~Music/"
set loc to the item_list as string
-- store path in description property of file
set description of aTrack to loc
end if
end repeat
-- restore prior sort
set fixed indexing to oldfi
end if
end tell
A continuación, sólo hay que guardar como /Users/username/Library/iTunes/Scripts/Copy selected files path to description.scpt
(crear directorios si no están ya allí).
Crédito a dougscripts.com por la cartilla.