Me han dicho que hay un Python instalado por defecto en OSX, y que borrarlo causará GRAVES problemas en el sistema, sin embargo, quiero borrar estas advertencias en brew doctor.
Esto es lo que dice el mensaje:
Warning: "config" scripts exist outside your system or Homebrew directories.
`./configure` scripts often look for *-config scripts to determine if
software packages are installed, and what additional flags to use when
compiling and linking.
Having additional scripts in your path can confuse software installed via
Homebrew if the config script overrides a system or Homebrew provided
script of the same name. We found the following "config" scripts:
Warning: Python is installed at /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
Homebrew only supports building against the System-provided Python or a
brewed Python. In particular, Pythons installed to /Library can interfere
with other software installs.
¿Cómo los borro y qué pasa si simplemente borro los tres config scripts?