Tengo un Macbook pro de 15" (mediados de 2015) OSX 10.11.1 y me he dado cuenta de que mi macbook pierde un 20% de energía mientras está en modo reposo durante 12 horas.
Esta es una pequeña parte de mi archivo de registro cuando mi macbook estaba en modo de "reposo":
28/11/15 12:09:54,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on awdl0. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
28/11/15 12:09:54,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.442659: wl0: wl_update_tcpkeep_seq: Original Seq: 2389288299, Ack: 2044772261, Win size: 4096
28/11/15 12:09:54,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.442696: wl0: wl_update_tcpkeep_seq: Updated seq/ack/win from UserClient Seq 2389288299, Ack 2044772261, Win size 176
28/11/15 12:09:54,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.442740: wl0: leaveModulePoweredForOffloads: Wi-Fi will stay on.
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.469349: AirPort_Brcm43xx::platformWoWEnable: WWEN[enable]
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.470191: AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: WWEN[enabled]
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0xb1c284aa41ebb6c1 has no prefix
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:09:55,522 symptomsd[208]: -[NetworkAnalyticsEngine _writeJournalRecord:fromCellFingerprint:key:atLOI:ofKind:lqm:isFaulty:] Hashing of the primary key failed. Dropping the journal record.
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - intel_rp = 1 dlla_reporting_supported = 0
28/11/15 12:09:56,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 2
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: ?
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: RTC: PowerByCalendarDate setting ignored
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 5
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 1 us
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 1 milliseconds
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0040 [x]
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'X3'.
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 149 153 157 161
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.166036: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: Setting BTCoex Config: enable_2G:1, profile_2g:0, enable_5G:1, profile_5G:0
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
28/11/15 12:14:22,440 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0-: v6(en0:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS! Proxy SMB
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000000820 0x5ac 0x8406 0x820, 3
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.436625: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.436645: IOPMPowerSource Information: onWake, SleepType: Normal Sleep, 'ExternalConnected': No, 'TimeRemaining': 1177,
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.436669: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.436710: AirPort_Brcm43xx::platformWoWEnable: WWEN[disable]
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0xb1c284aa41ebaee1 has no prefix
28/11/15 12:14:22,717 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Inactive
28/11/15 12:14:22,967 cdpd[422]: Saw change in network reachability (isReachable=0)
28/11/15 12:14:22,969 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:22,969 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:22,970 symptomsd[208]: __73-[NetworkAnalyticsEngine observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]_block_invoke unexpected switch value 2
28/11/15 12:14:22,970 netbiosd[27521]: network_reachability_changed : network is not reachable, netbiosd is shutting down
28/11/15 12:14:23,155 configd[51]: network changed: v6(en0-:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS- Proxy-
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from AUTO to SUSPENDED
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlSuspendedMode() Suspending AWDL, enterQuietMode(true)
28/11/15 12:14:23,233 networkd[157]: -[NETClientConnection effectiveBundleID] using process name apsd as bundle ID (this is expected for daemons without bundle ID
28/11/15 12:14:23,235 networkd[157]: -[NETClientConnection effectiveBundleID] using process name apsd as bundle ID (this is expected for daemons without bundle ID
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to 00:22:b0:85:97:5e
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
28/11/15 12:14:23,282 symptomsd[208]: -[NetworkAnalyticsEngine _writeJournalRecord:fromCellFingerprint:key:atLOI:ofKind:lqm:isFaulty:] Hashing of the primary key failed. Dropping the journal record.
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'DE'.
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: Unexpected payload found for message 9, dataLen 0
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: Setting BTCoex Config: enable_2G:1, profile_2g:0, enable_5G:1, profile_5G:0
28/11/15 12:14:23,988 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.oneshot.0x10000030.BetterTouchTool[30954]) Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
28/11/15 12:14:24,211 lsd[260]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/com.apple.lsdschemes.plist
28/11/15 12:14:24,296 BetterTouchTool[30978]: leap support enabled
28/11/15 12:14:24,310 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.hegenberg.BTTRelaunch.84192[30955]) Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
28/11/15 12:14:24,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from SUSPENDED to AUTO
28/11/15 12:14:24,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlAutoMode Resuming AWDL
28/11/15 12:14:24,411 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1748] en0: SSID 'kevin' making interface primary (cache indicates network not captive)
28/11/15 12:14:24,411 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Evaluating
28/11/15 12:14:24,412 configd[51]: network changed: DNS* Proxy
28/11/15 12:14:24,412 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: en0: Not probing 'kevin' (cache indicates not captive)
28/11/15 12:14:24,412 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Authenticated
28/11/15 12:14:24,416 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0!: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
28/11/15 12:14:25,005 cdpd[422]: Saw change in network reachability (isReachable=2)
28/11/15 12:14:25,006 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:25,008 symptomsd[208]: __73-[NetworkAnalyticsEngine observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]_block_invoke unexpected switch value 2
28/11/15 12:14:25,036 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:26,396 ntpd[30540]: wake time set +1.146968 s
28/11/15 12:14:26,991 mDNSResponder[89]: mDNS_Execute: SendResponses didn't send all its responses; will try again in one second
28/11/15 12:14:27,096 mDNSResponder[89]: mDNS_Execute: SendResponses didn't send all its responses; will try again in one second
28/11/15 12:14:27,281 mDNSResponder[89]: mDNS_Execute: SendResponses didn't send all its responses; will try again in one second
28/11/15 12:14:28,045 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0+:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS* Proxy SMB
28/11/15 12:14:28,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::handleWakeEvent_gated
28/11/15 12:14:28,687 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS! Proxy SMB
28/11/15 12:14:28,715 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:28,715 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:28,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::handleWakeEvent_gated
28/11/15 12:14:30,997 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.oneshot.0x10000031.BetterTouchTool[30978]) Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
28/11/15 12:14:31,217 lsd[260]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/com.apple.lsdschemes.plist
28/11/15 12:14:31,302 BetterTouchTool[30984]: leap support enabled
28/11/15 12:14:31,315 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.hegenberg.BTTRelaunch.84192[30979]) Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
28/11/15 12:14:34,005 com.apple.CDScheduler[246]: Thermal pressure state: 1 Memory pressure state: 0
28/11/15 12:14:34,007 com.apple.CDScheduler[42]: Thermal pressure state: 1 Memory pressure state: 0
28/11/15 12:14:44,244 com.apple.CDScheduler[246]: Thermal pressure state: 0 Memory pressure state: 0
28/11/15 12:14:44,244 com.apple.CDScheduler[42]: Thermal pressure state: 0 Memory pressure state: 0
28/11/15 12:14:48,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from AUTO to SUSPENDED
28/11/15 12:14:48,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlSuspendedMode() Suspending AWDL, enterQuietMode(true)
28/11/15 12:14:52,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from SUSPENDED to AUTO
28/11/15 12:14:52,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlAutoMode Resuming AWDL
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524961: wl0: setup_keepalive: interval 900, retry_interval 30, retry_count 10
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524972: wl0: setup_keepalive: Local IP:
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524976: wl0: setup_keepalive: Remote IP:
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524980: wl0: setup_keepalive: Local port: 53437, Remote port: 5223
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524985: wl0: setup_keepalive: Seq: 3416633147, Ack: 3719134279, Win size: 4096
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525001: wl0: MDNS: IPV4 Addr:
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525006: wl0: MDNS: IPV6 Addr: fe80:0:0:0:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525011: wl0: MDNS: IPV6 Addr: 2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525016: wl0: MDNS: IPV6 Addr: 2a02:1810:340b:9d00:78e1:6da:2544:6637
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525019: wl0: MDNS: 0 SRV Recs, 0 TXT Recs
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525023: wl0: MDNS: 1 TCP ports: 64538
28/11/15 12:14:55,000 kernel[0]: PM response took 2006 ms (52, powerd)
28/11/15 12:14:55,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.523840: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep
28/11/15 12:14:55,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.523868: IOPMPowerSource Information: onSleep, SleepType: Normal Sleep, 'ExternalConnected': No, 'TimeRemaining': 1177,
28/11/15 12:14:55,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to 00:22:b0:85:97:5e
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 4 us
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 0 milliseconds
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on awdl0. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.988466: wl0: wl_update_tcpkeep_seq: Original Seq: 3416633147, Ack: 3719134279, Win size: 4096
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.988503: wl0: wl_update_tcpkeep_seq: Updated seq/ack/win from UserClient Seq 3416633147, Ack 3719134279, Win size 166
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.988545: wl0: leaveModulePoweredForOffloads: Wi-Fi will stay on.
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41876.014940: AirPort_Brcm43xx::platformWoWEnable: WWEN[enable]
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41876.015800: AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: WWEN[enabled]
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0xb1c284aa235552d1 has no prefix
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:14:56,875 symptomsd[208]: -[NetworkAnalyticsEngine _writeJournalRecord:fromCellFingerprint:key:atLOI:ofKind:lqm:isFaulty:] Hashing of the primary key failed. Dropping the journal record.
28/11/15 12:14:57,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:14:57,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - intel_rp = 1 dlla_reporting_supported = 0
28/11/15 12:14:57,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 2
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: ?
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: RTC: PowerByCalendarDate setting ignored
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 5
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 1 us
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 1 milliseconds
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0040 [x]
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'X3'.
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 149 153 157 161
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41877.747390: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: Setting BTCoex Config: enable_2G:1, profile_2g:0, enable_5G:1, profile_5G:0
28/11/15 12:16:38,428 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0-: v6(en0:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS! Proxy SMB
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000000820 0x5ac 0x8406 0x820, 3
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0xb1c284aa23554af1 has no prefix
28/11/15 12:16:38,648 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Inactive
28/11/15 12:16:39,054 cdpd[422]: Saw change in network reachability (isReachable=0)
28/11/15 12:16:39,055 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:16:39,056 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
como puedes ver, algunas partes se repiten (aeropuerto).
cuando emití el siguiente comando:
syslog |grep -i "Wake reason"
...cuando noté el problema por primera vez, dio esto como resultado:
Nov 27 03:08:12 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17412.146502: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:08:12 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17412.385579: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:08:12 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:15:33 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:15:33 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17446.620656: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Deauthentication beacuse sending STA is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS
Nov 27 03:15:34 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17447.435151: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:15:34 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:20:18 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:20:18 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17481.602419: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:20:18 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17481.869208: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:20:18 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:22:50 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:22:50 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17515.977131: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:22:51 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17516.843416: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:22:51 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:27:53 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:27:53 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17550.959664: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:27:53 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17551.199358: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:27:53 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:30:41 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:30:41 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17584.863751: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:30:42 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17585.721650: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:30:42 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:36:32 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:36:32 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17619.944847: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:36:33 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17620.820368: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:36:33 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:44:22 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Anoche, desconecté el WiFi de mi mac antes de ponerlo en modo de reposo. Esto resolvió el problema de drenaje rápido de la batería (sólo el 2% durante 10 horas de modo de suspensión). El archivo de registro seguía siendo bastante desordenado, con mucha actividad. Pero el comando (syslog |grep -i "Wake reason") dio esto:
Nov 28 03:51:06 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: EC.SleepTimer (SleepTimer)
Nov 28 03:51:07 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 05:51:29 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
Nov 28 05:51:29 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 05:51:29 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 07:52:39 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
Nov 28 07:52:39 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 07:52:39 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 09:52:46 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
Nov 28 09:52:46 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 09:52:46 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 10:57:19 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: EC.LidOpen (User)
Un RTC (alarma) cada 2 horas. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que no tengo ningún horario de despertador, despertar desde la red está desmarcado y powernap también está desmarcado. También he deshabilitado cualquier servicio de compartición.
¿Cómo puedo resolver este problema? Quiero utilizar el modo de suspensión sin desactivar el WiFi y sin perder el 20% de la batería durante la noche...