15 votos

¿Por qué no puedo abrir archivos DMG que residen en un sistema de archivos NFS de sólo lectura?

He descubierto un extraño problema... si tengo archivos de imagen de disco (DMG) que residen en un recurso compartido NFS de sólo lectura, no puedo abrirlos en Mac OS X 10.7.5. Los mismos archivos se abren bien cuando se accede a ellos a través de AFP. Sin embargo, al intentar abrirlos con hdiutil attach cuando están en el recurso compartido NFS resulta en "attach failed - Read-only file system":

bash-3.2# /usr/bin/hdiutil attach /Volumes/nfs_share/Some.dmg
hdiutil: attach failed - Read-only file system

Incluso si el recurso compartido AFP es de sólo lectura, puedo adjuntar esas mismas imágenes. Pero, por alguna razón, un NFS compartir no funciona.

En última instancia, lo que quiere hacer es adjuntar las imágenes con un archivo sombra para montar las imágenes de sólo lectura como de lectura-escritura. Pero esto también falla de la misma manera:

bash-3.2# /usr/bin/hdiutil attach /Volumes/nfs_share/Some.dmg -mountpoint /Somewhere -shadow /path/to/Some-Shadow
hdiutil: attach failed - Read-only file system

De nuevo, esto funciona perfectamente si la imagen se sirve a través de AFP. También funciona bien si el recurso compartido NFS es de lectura-escritura, pero por razones de seguridad no puedo hacerlo.

¿Cómo puedo montar archivos DMG que residen en un recurso compartido NFS de sólo lectura?

Información adicional:

La línea correspondiente de /etc/exports en el servidor FreeNAS (FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p7):

/mnt/raid/netboot -alldirs -ro -mapall=netboot:netboot -network

La salida de /usr/bin/hdiutil attach -verbose /Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg -notremovable -shadow /private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow -owners on -noverify -noautofsck -nobrowse :

DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  0, score      100, CBSDBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  1, score    -1000, CBundleBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  2, score    -1000, CRAMBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  3, score      100, CCarbonBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  4, score    -1000, CDevBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  5, score    -1000, CCURLBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  6, score    -1000, CVectoredBackingStore
CBSDBackingStore::newProbe stat() failed.  No such file or directory.
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  0, score        1, CBSDBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  1, score    -1000, CBundleBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  2, score    -1000, CRAMBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  3, score    -1000, CCarbonBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  4, score    -1000, CDevBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  5, score    -1000, CCURLBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  6, score    -1000, CVectoredBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  0, score      100, CBSDBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  1, score    -1000, CBundleBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  2, score    -1000, CRAMBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  3, score      100, CCarbonBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  4, score    -1000, CDevBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  5, score    -1000, CCURLBackingStore
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: interface  6, score    -1000, CVectoredBackingStore
Error 30 (Read-only file system).
DIHLDiskImageAttach() returned 30
hdiutil: attach failed - Read-only file system

Salida de rpcinfo -p en el servidor NFS:

   program vers proto   port  service
    100000    4   tcp    111  rpcbind
    100000    3   tcp    111  rpcbind
    100000    2   tcp    111  rpcbind
    100000    4   udp    111  rpcbind
    100000    3   udp    111  rpcbind
    100000    2   udp    111  rpcbind
    100000    4 local    111  rpcbind
    100000    3 local    111  rpcbind
    100000    2 local    111  rpcbind
    100005    1   udp    967  mountd
    100005    3   udp    967  mountd
    100005    1   tcp    967  mountd
    100005    3   tcp    967  mountd
    100003    2   udp   2049  nfs
    100003    3   udp   2049  nfs
    100003    2   tcp   2049  nfs
    100003    3   tcp   2049  nfs
    100024    1   udp    689  status
    100024    1   tcp    689  status
    100021    0   udp    616  nlockmgr
    100021    0   tcp    927  nlockmgr
    100021    1   udp    616  nlockmgr
    100021    1   tcp    927  nlockmgr
    100021    3   udp    616  nlockmgr
    100021    3   tcp    927  nlockmgr
    100021    4   udp    616  nlockmgr
    100021    4   tcp    927  nlockmgr

Salida de mount en el cliente Mac OS X 10.7.5:

/dev/disk1s2 on / (hfs, local)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
afp_0egBhf12TAP01SptRt47XSdj-3.2c000002 on /private/var/netboot (afpfs, nobrowse)
afp_0egBhf12TAP01SptRt47XSdj-4.2c000004 on /Network/Applications (afpfs, read-only)
map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
afp_0egBhf12TAP01SptRt47XSdj-4.2c000008 on /Network/Servers/chef.farcry.sitepalette.com/Users (afpfs, nodev, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse, mounted by jnet)
afp_0egBhf12TAP01SptRt47XSdj-4.2c000009 on /Volumes/Users (afpfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by jnet) on /Volumes/netboot (nfs)

Y por último, la salida de /usr/bin/hdiutil attach -debug /Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg -notremovable -shadow /private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow -owners on -noverify -noautofsck -nobrowse :

calling DIHLDiskImageAttach with 
skip-verify: true
auto-fsck: false
quiet: false
shadow-url: file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
mount-nobrowse: true
enable-owners: true
verbose: false
debug: true
agent: hdiutil
fixed-disk: true
main-url: file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
2012-11-27 12:02:23.053 hdiutil[23401:707] DIHLDiskImageAttach: input dictionary {
    agent = hdiutil;
    "auto-fsck" = 0;
    debug = 1;
    "drive-options" =     {
    "enable-owners" = 1;
    "fixed-disk" = 1;
    "image-options" =     {
    "main-url" = "file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg";
    "mount-nobrowse" = 1;
    quiet = 0;
    "shadow-url" = "file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow";
    "skip-verify" = 1;
    verbose = 0;
2012-11-27 12:02:23.054 hdiutil[23401:707] DIHLDiskImageAttach: disabling legacy image format attach
2012-11-27 12:02:23.055 hdiutil[23401:707] DIHLDiskImageAttach: newImagekeys = {
    "legacy-disabled" = 1;
2012-11-27 12:02:23.055 hdiutil[23401:707] DIHLDiskImageAttach: creating DIHelperProxy
2012-11-27 12:02:23.056 hdiutil[23401:707] with dictionary: {
    agent = hdiutil;
    "auto-fsck" = 0;
    debug = 1;
    "drive-options" = <62706c69 73743030 d0080000 00000000 01010000 00000000 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0009>;
    "enable-owners" = 1;
    "fixed-disk" = 1;
    "image-options" = <62706c69 73743030 d101025f 100f6c65 67616379 2d646973 61626c65 6409080b 1d000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 03000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1e>;
    "main-url" = "file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg";
    "mount-nobrowse" = 1;
    operation = DIHelperAttach;
    quiet = 0;
    "shadow-url" = "file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow";
    "skip-verify" = 1;
    verbose = 0;
2012-11-27 12:02:23.056 hdiutil[23401:707] [DIHelperProxy alloc]
2012-11-27 12:02:23.056 hdiutil[23401:707] [DIHelperProxy alloc] returning self 0x7fa39b00d690, retainCount 1
2012-11-27 12:02:23.057 hdiutil[23401:707] DIHLDiskImageAttach: running DIHelperProxy
2012-11-27 12:02:23.057 hdiutil[23401:707] [DIHelperProxy performOperationReturning] entry
2012-11-27 12:02:23.057 hdiutil[23401:707] [DIHelperProxy performOperationReturning] detaching thread
2012-11-27 12:02:23.058 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] entry
2012-11-27 12:02:23.058 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] setting up server
2012-11-27 12:02:23.059 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadSetupServer] entry
2012-11-27 12:02:23.059 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadSetupServer] setting up _headerConnection
2012-11-27 12:02:23.060 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadSetupServer] setting up _headerConnection rootObject
2012-11-27 12:02:23.060 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadSetupServer] adding NSConnectionDidInitializeNotification notification
2012-11-27 12:02:23.061 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadSetupServer] exiting
2012-11-27 12:02:23.061 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] launching
2012-11-27 12:02:23.061 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadLaunchToolAuthenticated] entry
2012-11-27 12:02:23.063 hdiutil[23401:2803] launching helper tool at "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/diskimages-helper".
2012-11-27 12:02:23.063 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadLaunchToolAuthenticated] adding NSTaskDidTerminateNotification notification
2012-11-27 12:02:23.063 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy thread LaunchToolAuthenticated] launching
2012-11-27 12:02:23.065 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadLaunchToolAuthenticated] exiting
2012-11-27 12:02:23.065 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] running runloop
2012-11-27 12:02:23.081 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy helperConnectionInitialized] entry
2012-11-27 12:02:23.081 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy helperConnectionInitialized] adding new NSConnectionDidDieNotification notification
2012-11-27 12:02:23.081 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy helperConnectionInitialized] removing old NSConnectionDidDieNotification notification
2012-11-27 12:02:23.082 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy helperConnectionInitialized] removing old connection rootObject
2012-11-27 12:02:23.082 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy helperConnectionInitialized] invalidating old connection
2012-11-27 12:02:23.083 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy helperConnectionInitialized] releasing old connection
2012-11-27 12:02:23.083 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy helperConnectionInitialized] and replacing with new connection
2012-11-27 12:02:23.083 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy helperConnectionInitialized] exit
2012-11-27 12:02:23.085 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy connectToFramework] entry, helper 0x7fa39b016940
2012-11-27 12:02:23.085 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy connectToFramework] exit
2012-11-27 12:02:23.186 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy sendOperationToHelper] entry
2012-11-27 12:02:23.187 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy sendOperationToHelper] starting operation with helper
2012-11-27 12:02:23.190 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy sendOperationToHelper] exit
2012-11-27 12:02:23.194 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy frameworkCallbackWithDictionary] entry
status proc called: initialize
myStatusProc: returning 0 
2012-11-27 12:02:23.199 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy frameworkCallbackWithDictionary] exit
2012-11-27 12:02:23.201 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] updateImageAndDriveDictionaries: before update _imageOptions: {
    "enable-keychain" = 1;
    writeable = 0;
2012-11-27 12:02:23.201 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] updateImageAndDriveDictionaries: _imageOptions: {
    "enable-keychain" = 1;
    "legacy-disabled" = 1;
    writeable = 0;
2012-11-27 12:02:23.202 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] _driveOptions: {
    "auto-fsck" = 0;
    autodiskmount = 1;
    removable = 0;
    "unmount-timeout" = 0;
2012-11-27 12:02:23.202 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] DIHelperAttach: performOperation: initializing framework
2012-11-27 12:02:23.202 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] {
    agent = hdiutil;
    "auto-fsck" = 0;
    "auto-fsck-failure-override-type" = callback;
    "auto-open-ro-root" = 0;
    "auto-open-rw-root" = 0;
    "auto-stretch" = 0;
    "bundlebs-checkpointing" = 0;
    "bundlebs-localcloseonflush" = 0;
    "bundlebs-localcloseonidle" = 0;
    "bundlebs-localcloseonsleep" = 0;
    "bundlebs-localfdcount" = 6;
    "bundlebs-remotecloseonflush" = 0;
    "bundlebs-remotecloseonidle" = 0;
    "bundlebs-remotecloseonsleep" = 0;
    "bundlebs-remotefdcount" = 3;
    "burn-apple-supported-devices-only" = 0;
    "burn-no-underrun-protection" = 0;
    "burn-synthesize-content" = 1;
    "bzip2-level" = 0;
    "callback-with-sla" = 1;
    debug = 1;
    "disable-encrypted-images" = 0;
    "disable-kernel-mounting" = 1;
    "disable-owners" = 0;
    "drive-options" = <62706c69 73743030 d0080000 00000000 01010000 00000000 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0009>;
    "enable-owners" = 1;
    "filevault-default-case-sensitive-file-system" = "Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+";
    "filevault-default-encryption-type" = "AES-128";
    "filevault-default-file-system" = "Journaled HFS+";
    "filevault-default-image-type" = SPARSEBUNDLE;
    "filevault-default-partition-type" = SPUD;
    "filevault-default-volume-name" = FileVault;
    "fixed-disk" = 1;
    "force-idme" = 0;
    "hfsplus-stretch-parameters" =     {
        "hfsplus-stretch-allocation-block-size" = 4096;
        "hfsplus-stretch-allocation-file-size" = 8388608;
        "hfsplus-stretch-threshold" = 524288;
    "idle-timeout" = 15;
    "ifd-format" = UDZO;
    "ifd-ignore-io-errors" = 1;
    "ifd-segment-size" = 0;
    "iff-format" = UDZO;
    "iff-fs" = "HFS+";
    "iff-layout" = SPUD;
    "iff-source-owners" = auto;
    "iff-spotlight-indexing" = 0;
    "iff-temp-sparse-band-size" = 20480;
    "iff-temp-use-rw-if-possible" = 1;
    "iff-usehelper" = 1;
    "ignore-bad-checksums" = 0;
    "image-options" = <62706c69 73743030 d101025f 100f6c65 67616379 2d646973 61626c65 6409080b 1d000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 03000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1e>;
    "main-url" = "file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg";
    "mount-attempted" = 1;
    "mount-nobrowse" = 1;
    "mount-point" = "/Volumes/";
    "mount-private" = 0;
    "mount-required" = 1;
    "mount-type" = in;
    "nbi-spotlight-indexing" = 0;
    operation = DIHelperAttach;
    "progress-delay" = 5;
    "pthread-reader-cap" = 4;
    quiet = 0;
    "reauthenticate-upon-wake" = 1;
    "shadow-url" = "file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow";
    "skip-auto-fsck-for-system-images" = 1;
    "skip-idme" = 1;
    "skip-idme-reveal" = 0;
    "skip-idme-trash" = 0;
    "skip-previously-verified" = 1;
    "skip-sla" = 0;
    "skip-verify" = 1;
    "skip-verify-locked" = 0;
    "skip-verify-remote" = 1;
    "sparsebundle-compactonidle" = 0;
    "suppress-uiagent" = 1;
    "unmount-timeout" = 0;
    "use-compressed-xml" = 0;
    "use-keychain" = 1;
    verbose = 0;
    "zlib-level" = 1;
DILoadDriver: checking for disk image driver
DILoadDriver: DI_kextExists() returned 0x00000000 (0)
DIIsInitialized: returning NO
2012-11-27 12:02:23.206 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] -checkForPreviouslyAttachedImage: entry
2012-11-27 12:02:23.206 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] imageURL file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
2012-11-27 12:02:23.206 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] shadowURL file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
2012-11-27 12:02:23.207 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] sectionStart (null) sectionLength (null)
2012-11-27 12:02:23.207 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] checkForPreviouslyAttachedImage: setting legacy-disabled to 1
DIIsInitialized: returning YES
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: entry with
skip-permissions-check: true
legacy-disabled: true
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: entry
skip-permissions-check: true
legacy-disabled: true
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 0 CBSDBackingStore
CBSDBackingStore::newProbe score 100 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 1 CBundleBackingStore
CBundleBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 2 CRAMBackingStore
CRAMBackingStore::probe: scheme "file": not ram: or ramdisk: scheme.
CRAMBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 3 CCarbonBackingStore
CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe: setting initial rval to +100
CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe score 100 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 4 CDevBackingStore
CDevBackingStore::newProbe: not /dev/disk or /dev/rdisk (/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg).CDevBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for 
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 5 CCURLBackingStore
CCURLBackingStore::probe: scheme is: file
CCURLBackingStore::probe: not recognized URL scheme.
CCURLBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 6 CVectoredBackingStore
CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe not "vectored" scheme.
CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: selecting CBSDBackingStore
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: CBSDBackingStore
CBSDBackingStore::setNoFollow: setting _noFollow to 0
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: instantiator returned 0
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: returning 0
2012-11-27 12:02:23.208 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] -checkForPreviouslyAttachedImage: resolving file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg returned 0
DIIsInitialized: returning YES
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: entry with
skip-permissions-check: true
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: entry
skip-permissions-check: true
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 0 CBSDBackingStore
CBSDBackingStore::newProbe score 1 for file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 1 CBundleBackingStore
CBundleBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 2 CRAMBackingStore
CRAMBackingStore::probe: scheme "file": not ram: or ramdisk: scheme.
CRAMBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 3 CCarbonBackingStore
CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe stat() failed.  No such file or directory.
CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 4 CDevBackingStore
CDevBackingStore::newProbe: not /dev/disk or /dev/rdisk (/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow).CDevBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for 
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 5 CCURLBackingStore
CCURLBackingStore::probe: scheme is: file
CCURLBackingStore::probe: not recognized URL scheme.
CCURLBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 6 CVectoredBackingStore
CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe not "vectored" scheme.
CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: selecting CBSDBackingStore
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: CBSDBackingStore
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: instantiator returned 2
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: returning 2
DIResolveURLToBackingStore: unable to resolve to any backing store class. 2. 
2012-11-27 12:02:23.208 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] -checkForPreviouslyAttachedImage: resolving shadow file://localhost/private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow returned 2
2012-11-27 12:02:23.208 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] DIHelperAttach: performOperation: resolving disk image
DIIsInitialized: returning YES
DIIsInitialized: returning YES
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: entry with
legacy-disabled: true
writeable: false
enable-keychain: true
image-path: /Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: entry
legacy-disabled: true
writeable: false
enable-keychain: true
image-path: /Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 0 CBSDBackingStore
CBSDBackingStore::newProbe score 100 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 1 CBundleBackingStore
CBundleBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 2 CRAMBackingStore
CRAMBackingStore::probe: scheme "file": not ram: or ramdisk: scheme.
CRAMBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 3 CCarbonBackingStore
CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe: setting initial rval to +100
CCarbonBackingStore::newProbe score 100 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 4 CDevBackingStore
CDevBackingStore::newProbe: not /dev/disk or /dev/rdisk (/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg).CDevBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for 
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 5 CCURLBackingStore
CCURLBackingStore::probe: scheme is: file
CCURLBackingStore::probe: not recognized URL scheme.
CCURLBackingStore::probe: score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: probing interface 6 CVectoredBackingStore
CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe not "vectored" scheme.
CVectoredBackingStore::newProbe score -1000 for file://localhost/Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
DIBackingStoreInstantiatorProbe: selecting CBSDBackingStore
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: CBSDBackingStore
CBSDBackingStore::setPermission: opening /Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
CBSDBackingStore::OpenLockFriendly: mapping flags 0x00000000 -> 0x00000014 (locks are MANDATORY)
CBSDBackingStore:OpenLockFriendly: could not open with lock 30
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: instantiator returned 30
DIBackingStoreNewWithCFURL: returning 30
DIResolveURLToBackingStore: unable to resolve to any backing store class. 30. 
DIResolveURLToDiskImage: resolving backing store/file encoding failed. 30. 
2012-11-27 12:02:23.211 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy frameworkCallbackWithDictionary] entry
status proc called: attach
Error 30 (Read-only file system).
myStatusProc: returning 0 
2012-11-27 12:02:23.227 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy frameworkCallbackWithDictionary] exit
2012-11-27 12:02:23.228 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy frameworkCallbackWithDictionary] entry
status proc called: cleanup
myStatusProc: returning 0 
2012-11-27 12:02:23.228 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy frameworkCallbackWithDictionary] exit
2012-11-27 12:02:23.229 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] DIHelperAttach performOperation: returning 30
2012-11-27 12:02:23.229 diskimages-helper[23407:2503] -decrementBackgroundThreadCount: _backgroundThreadCount is now 0.
2012-11-27 12:02:23.229 diskimages-helper[23407:303] DIHelper _report_results: reporting {
    payload =     {
    "result-code" = 30;
2012-11-27 12:02:23.230 hdiutil[23401:2803] reportResultsToFramework: proxy has finished operation
2012-11-27 12:02:23.230 hdiutil[23401:2803] reportResultsToFramework: results are: {
    payload =     {
    "result-code" = 30;
2012-11-27 12:02:23.230 hdiutil[23401:2803] reportResultsToFramework: _threadResultsError is 30
2012-11-27 12:02:23.231 hdiutil[23401:2803] reportResultsToFramework: disconnecting from helper.
2012-11-27 12:02:23.231 diskimages-helper[23407:303] -setCanTerminate: main thread can exit
2012-11-27 12:02:23.332 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy disconnectFromHelper] entry
2012-11-27 12:02:23.333 hdiutil[23401:2803] disconnectFromHelper: removing observers
2012-11-27 12:02:23.333 hdiutil[23401:2803] disconnectFromHelper: terminating proxy
2012-11-27 12:02:23.334 diskimages-helper[23407:303] DIHelper: terminateHelper: entry.
2012-11-27 12:02:23.334 hdiutil[23401:2803] disconnectFromHelper: terminated proxy
2012-11-27 12:02:23.335 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy disconnectFromHelper] releasing helper
2012-11-27 12:02:23.335 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy disconnectFromHelper] exit
2012-11-27 12:02:23.435 diskimages-helper[23407:303] [DIHelper frameworkConnectionDied] entry
2012-11-27 12:02:23.435 diskimages-helper[23407:303] [DIHelper frameworkConnectionDied] releasing connection
2012-11-27 12:02:23.435 diskimages-helper[23407:303] [DIHelper frameworkConnectionDied] releasing frameworkProxy
2012-11-27 12:02:23.435 diskimages-helper[23407:303] -DIHelperAgentMaster terminateUIAgentConnection.
2012-11-27 12:02:23.435 diskimages-helper[23407:303] [DIHelper frameworkConnectionDied] marking _frameworkDisconnected
2012-11-27 12:02:23.435 diskimages-helper[23407:303] [DIHelper frameworkConnectionDied] exiting
2012-11-27 12:02:24.232 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] removing NSConnectionDidDieNotification observers
2012-11-27 12:02:24.233 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] removing NSConnectionDidInitializeNotification observers
2012-11-27 12:02:24.234 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] removing NSTaskDidTerminateNotification observers
2012-11-27 12:02:24.234 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadRunRunLoop] invalidating connection
2012-11-27 12:02:24.235 diskimages-helper[23407:303] DIHelper dealloc.
2012-11-27 12:02:24.234 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy threadRunRunLoop] releasing connection
2012-11-27 12:02:24.235 diskimages-helper[23407:303] -DIHelperAgentMaster terminateUIAgentConnection.
2012-11-27 12:02:24.235 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] after running runloop
2012-11-27 12:02:24.235 diskimages-helper[23407:303] helper: child_after_exec returning 0
2012-11-27 12:02:24.235 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] waiting for task to terminate to avoid zombies
2012-11-27 12:02:24.236 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] releasing task
2012-11-27 12:02:24.236 hdiutil[23401:2803] [DIHelperProxy workerThread] exiting
2012-11-27 12:02:24.236 hdiutil[23401:707] [DIHelperProxy performOperationReturning] returning 30
2012-11-27 12:02:24.237 hdiutil[23401:707] DIHLDiskImageAttach: DIHelperProxy returned 30
2012-11-27 12:02:24.237 hdiutil[23401:707] [DIHelperProxy dealloc]
DIHLDiskImageAttach() returned 30
hdiutil: attach failed - Read-only file system
kyle:~ root#


Phill Puntos 126

Llevo interesado en esta cuestión desde Nov 2012 e incluso he montado una VM de FreeNAS para reproducir el problema.

Al final desistí, pero como la cuestión ha resucitado Voy a compartir lo que descubrí entonces y en las últimas horas (por suerte no borré la VM) y lo que creo que es la causa de este problema. También he encontrado una solución.

Mi configuración

En primer lugar, esta es mi configuración de prueba:

  • OS X 10.8.2 (lo siento, no hay 10.7.5 por aquí).

  • FreeNAS (FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p1)

    enter image description here

    (La versión del OP es FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p7 - no he podido encontrar la misma versión).

  • Un sistema de archivos NAS en /mnt/raid :

    enter image description here

  • Un usuario llamado netboot :

    enter image description here

  • Un sistema de archivos AFP ( /mnt/raid/netboot ) exportado como netboot :

    enter image description here

    (Tenga en cuenta que está configurado como de sólo lectura).

  • Un sistema de archivos NFS (la misma ruta que el sistema de archivos AFP, para que coincida con la configuración del OP: /mnt/raid/netboot ):

    enter image description here

AFP funciona, NFS no

He montado el sistema de archivos de sólo lectura AFP como usuario netboot utilizando el Finder con K :

enter image description here

y monté un archivo de imagen DMG sin ningún problema:

$ sudo rm /private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
$ sudo /usr/bin/hdiutil attach /Volumes/netboot/p7zip-9.04-0.i386.dmg -notremovable -shadow /private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow -owners on -noverify -noautofsck -nobrowse
/dev/disk3              Apple_partition_scheme          
/dev/disk3s1            Apple_partition_map             
/dev/disk3s2            Apple_HFS                       /Volumes/p7zip.pkg

Luego lo desmonté y monté el sistema de archivos NFS de sólo lectura (también usé K ) y no podía montar el archivo de imagen DMG.

Creo que el problema está registrado aquí:

CBSDBackingStore::setPermission: opening /Volumes/netboot/Lion.nbi/Library.dmg
CBSDBackingStore::OpenLockFriendly: mapping flags 0x00000000 -> 0x00000014 (locks are MANDATORY)
CBSDBackingStore:OpenLockFriendly: could not open with lock 30

El error 30 significa (ver man 2 intro ):

30 EROFS Sistema de archivos de sólo lectura. Se ha intentado modificar un archivo o directorio en un sistema de archivos que era de sólo lectura en ese momento.

No es ninguna sorpresa, efectivamente es un sistema de archivos de sólo lectura, pero... cuando se monta sobre AFP funciona, ¿por qué?

Porque la implementación de NFS de Apple tiene algunos problemas de bloqueo. Como se ha dicho en este post en gluster.org:

OS X hace una cantidad fenomenal de bloqueo de archivos (algunos dirían, innecesariamente) y siempre ha sido realmente sensible a la configuración del bloqueo en los servidores NFS. Tanto es así que si al azar un servidor NFS en una gran empresa, el verdadero éxito es bastante improbable.

En mi configuración, el servidor NFS (es decir, la VM de FreeNAS) de repente no respondía (desde el Mac /var/log/system.log ):

Mar 15 15:35:04 avallone.local rpc.lockd[8119]: Lockd got unexpected signal 20
Mar 15 15:35:04 avallone com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.lockd[8119]): Exited with code: 1
Mar 15 15:35:04 avallone com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.lockd): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
Mar 15 15:35:07 avallone com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.statd[8121]): Exited with code: 1
Mar 15 15:35:07 avallone com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.statd): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
Mar 15 15:35:13 avallone kernel[0]: nfs server lockd not responding
Mar 15 15:35:13 avallone.local KernelEventAgent[72]: tid 00000000 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
Mar 15 15:35:13 avallone.local KernelEventAgent[72]: tid 00000000 type 'nfs', mounted on '/Volumes/netboot', from '', not responding
Mar 15 15:35:34 avallone.local KernelEventAgent[72]: tid 00000000 unmounting 1 filesystems

La salida de sudo /usr/bin/hdiutil attach -debug /Volumes/netboot/p7zip-9.04-0.i386.dmg -notremovable -shadow /private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow -owners on -noverify -noautofsck -nobrowse era:

CBSDBackingStore::setPermission: opening /Volumes/netboot/p7zip-9.04-0.i386.dmg
CBSDBackingStore::OpenLockFriendly: mapping flags 0x00000000 -> 0x00000014 (locks are MANDATORY)
CBSDBackingStore:OpenLockFriendly: could not open with lock 5

El error 5 significa (de nuevo de man 2 intro ):

5 EIO Error de entrada/salida. Se ha producido un error de entrada o salida física físico de entrada o salida. Este error no se notificará hasta que se realice una operación posterior en el mismo descriptor de archivo y puede perderse (sobreescrito) por cualquier error posterior.

lo que no es sorprendente en absoluto, el sistema de archivos NFS había desaparecido.


Una solución (probada en OS X 10.8) es montar NFS con las opciones nolocks,locallocks . Como se explica en el post de gluster.org ya mencionado:

Afortunadamente, hay una solución: basta con desactivar el bloqueo de la red. Puede hacerlo hacerlo añadiendo las opciones "nolocks,locallocks" en el campo de opciones avanzadas de la interfaz de montaje NFS de la Utilidad de Discos, pero esto es doloroso si si haces muchos, y no ayuda en absoluto con /net. Puede editar /etc/auto_master para añadir estas opciones a la entrada de /net, pero no afecta a otros montajes - sin embargo recomiendo borrar la opción hidefromfinder en auto_master. Si quiere arreglar cada automount, edite /etc/autofs.conf y busque la línea que comienza Estas opciones se aplican en cada montaje. Añade nolocks, locallocks y tu mundo será más rápido y feliz después de de reiniciar.

He montado manualmente y ha funcionado a la perfección:

$ sudo rm /private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
$ sudo mount -o nolocks,locallocks,ro /tmp/mnt
$ sudo /usr/bin/hdiutil attach /tmp/mnt/p7zip-9.04-0.i386.dmg -notremovable -shadow /private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow -owners on -noverify -noautofsck -nobrowse
/dev/disk6              Apple_partition_scheme          
/dev/disk6s1            Apple_partition_map             
/dev/disk6s2            Apple_HFS                       /Volumes/p7zip.pkg

También he editado /etc/auto_master así:

+auto_master # Use directory service
#/net             -hosts    -nobrowse,hidefromfinder,nosuid
/net              -hosts    -nosuid,nolocks,locallocks
/home             auto_home -nobrowse,hidefromfinder
/Network/Servers  -fstab
/-                -static

se detuvo y se puso en marcha automountd y autofsd :

$ sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.automountd.plist 
$ sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.autofsd.plist 
$ sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.autofsd.plist 
$ sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.automountd.plist 

y ha funcionado a las mil maravillas:

$ cd /net/
$ ls 
Network Trash Folder  Temporary Items  p7zip-9.04-0.i386.dmg
$ sudo rm /private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow
$ sudo /usr/bin/hdiutil attach p7zip-9.04-0.i386.dmg -notremovable -shadow /private/var/netboot/Library-Shadow -owners on -noverify -noautofsck -nobrowse
/dev/disk7              Apple_partition_scheme          
/dev/disk7s1            Apple_partition_map             
/dev/disk7s2            Apple_HFS                       /Volumes/p7zip.pkg


Tim Puntos 11

hdiutil attach -readonly

Para una imagen que se almacena en un sistema de archivos de sólo lectura, considero que -readonly debe utilizarse en el momento de la fijación.

(El caso de la AFP puede ser excepcional).

Teniendo en cuenta el voto negativo y el comentario de @Josh: he entendido mal el -shadow parte de la página de manual de hdiutil :

permite adjuntar imágenes de sólo lectura

- Me imaginé que -shadow podría anular -readonly .


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