Me gustaría calcular el consumo de energía. Por eso he utilizado el siguiente programa, lamentablemente dio errores.
#need python3.7 to run this
from math import *
import time # time module is used to delay your program for a bit so that you can get a reading, that is not zero
#but delay will/might give you more noise from the system
import pyRAPL
measure= pyRAPL.Measurement('bar')
measure.begin() #to begin a measurement
for i in range (100):
print (a)
time.sleep(0.001) #this time delay (in seconds) is the approximate minimum time of which it gives a reading, any duration lesser #than this might yield '0' energy consumption
measure.end() #to end the measurement
val =measure.result #output the result by the following
print (val)
#the above result will contain 5 values
#access one by one with the following syntax
print ('label= ',val.label)
print ('timestamp= ', val.timestamp) #it gives the exact time of initialisation of measurement, (in epoch) needs to be converted to date and time format
print ('duration= ', val.duration) #gives the duration of program running between begin() and end()
print ('energy consumed by CPU= ', val.pkg[0]) #value of energy consumption by the CPU in micro Joules <==== We need this
print ('dram value = ',val.dram[0]) #value of RAM energy consumption (in seconds) <--- needs to be converted, not so sure how
Resultado de los errores:
¿Cómo puedo solucionar este problema?