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Problema para comprobar el consumo de energía mediante una función factorial con el módulo de Python "pyRAPL"

Me gustaría calcular el consumo de energía. Por eso he utilizado el siguiente programa, lamentablemente dio errores.


#need python3.7 to run this
from math import *
import time # time module is used to delay your program for a bit so that you can get a reading, that is not zero
        #but delay will/might give you more noise from the system
import pyRAPL

measure= pyRAPL.Measurement('bar')

measure.begin()         #to begin a measurement
for i in range (100):

print (a)

time.sleep(0.001)       #this time delay (in seconds) is the approximate minimum time of which it gives a reading, any duration lesser                  #than this might yield '0' energy consumption  

measure.end()           #to end the measurement

val =measure.result     #output the result by the following

print (val)     

#the above result will contain 5 values 
#access one by one with the following syntax

print ('label= ',val.label) 
print ('timestamp= ', val.timestamp)    #it gives the exact time of initialisation of measurement, (in epoch) needs to be converted to date and time format
print ('duration= ', val.duration)  #gives the duration of program running between begin() and end()

print ('energy consumed by CPU= ', val.pkg[0])  #value of energy consumption by the CPU in micro Joules  <==== We need this

print ('dram value = ',val.dram[0]) #value of RAM energy consumption (in seconds) <--- needs to be converted, not so sure how

Resultado de los errores:

enter image description here

¿Cómo puedo solucionar este problema?


Parece que uno de los paquetes importados (probablemente pyRAPL ) sólo funciona en Linux, no hay /sys pseudo sistema de archivos en MacOS.


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