Estoy tratando de cambiar el tamaño de una ventana de grabación de películas Quicktime, solo después de que esté activa. es posible? El siguiente script funciona, si codifico el tiempo de retardo. Se agradece cualquier ayuda. Gracias
do shell script "open " & quoted form of "/Applications/QuickTime"
tell application "QuickTime Player"
-- Start iPhone Screen cast of Game
set newMovieRecording to new movie recording
tell application "System Events"
-- Wait for Movie Recording Window to Launch
repeat until (exists window "Movie Recording" of application process "QuickTime Player")
delay 2
end repeat
-- Resize Quicktime Window now that Window is active
set position of first window of application process "QuickTime Player" to {1087, 497}
set size of first window of application process "QuickTime Player" to {350, 621}
end tell
end tell