Me pregunto si alguien me puede ayudar con mi desorden. He creado híbridos MBR que estaba trabajando en el comienzo, El que me decidí a eliminar la partición Bootcamp desde la utilidad de disco. Aquí es donde las cosas se pusieron mal estado. Luego he intentado siguiendo esta guía , porque yo tenía los datos originales:
Disk /dev/disk1: 1000215216 sectors, 476.9 GiB
Sector size (logical): 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): DF8BA5A4-2A3A-4A1B-9F1F-AA6A6332D9A5
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
Main partition table begins at sector 2 and ends at sector 33
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 1000215182
Partitions will be aligned on 8-sector boundaries
Total free space is 3213 sectors (1.6 MiB)
Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name
1 40 409639 200.0 MiB EF00 EFI System Partition
2 409640 707245575 337.0 GiB AF0A CATALINA
3 707246080 1000212479 139.7 GiB 0700
Command (? for help): c
Partition number (1-3): 3
Enter name: WIN10APFSL
Command (? for help): w
Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING
Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): y
OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to /dev/disk1.
Warning: The kernel may continue to use old or deleted partitions.
You should reboot or remove the drive.
The operation has completed successfully.
g5@G5s-Mac-Pro ~ % sudo gdisk /dev/disk1
GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 1.0.4
Partition table scan:
MBR: hybrid
BSD: not present
APM: not present
GPT: present
Found valid GPT with hybrid MBR; using GPT.
Command (? for help): p
Disk /dev/disk1: 1000215216 sectors, 476.9 GiB
Sector size (logical): 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): DF8BA5A4-2A3A-4A1B-9F1F-AA6A6332D9A5
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
Main partition table begins at sector 2 and ends at sector 33
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 1000215182
Partitions will be aligned on 8-sector boundaries
Total free space is 3213 sectors (1.6 MiB)
Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name
1 40 409639 200.0 MiB EF00 EFI System Partition
2 409640 707245575 337.0 GiB AF0A CATALINA
3 707246080 1000212479 139.7 GiB 0700 WIN10APFSL
Y me hizo
sudo gpt remove -i 2 /dev/disk3
Intentó agregar:
sudo gpt add -i 2 -b 409640 -s 707245575 -t apfs /dev/disk3
Pero tengo este error:
gpt add: /dev/disk3: error: no space available on device
Este es el estado actual ahora:
start size index contents
0 1 MBR
1 1 Pri GPT header
2 32 Pri GPT table
34 6
40 409600 1 GPT part - C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
409640 706835936 2 MBR part 175
707245576 292969607
1000215183 32 Sec GPT table
1000215215 1 Sec GPT header