Este siguiente código AppleScript me funciona usando la última versión de macOS Mojave.
tell application "iTunes"
tell its track "Insert Your Song Title"
set its skipped count to 0 -- Enter Your Desired Number
end tell
end tell
El siguiente código resuelve el problema de las canciones múltiples con el mismo nombre.
tell application "iTunes"
set theTrack to "Insert Your Song Title"
set tracksRef to a reference to (tracks whose name is theTrack)
set trackCount to count of tracksRef
if trackCount is greater than 1 then
set theArtists to artist of tracksRef
set chooseArtist to (choose from list theArtists with title "Choose The Artist" with prompt ¬
"Choose The Artist" OK button name "OK" cancel button name "Cancel") as text
tell (every track whose name is theTrack and artist is chooseArtist)
set skipped count to 0 -- Enter Your Desired Number
end tell
tell its track theTrack
set its skipped count to 0 -- Enter Your Desired Number
end tell
end if
end tell
El siguiente código debería funcionar si quieres restablecer la cuenta de saltos de cada pista.
tell application "iTunes"
set allTracks to every track
repeat with i from 1 to count of allTracks
set thisItem to item i of allTracks
tell thisItem
set its skipped count to 0 -- Enter Your Desired Number
end try
end tell
end repeat
end tell
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Pistas seleccionadas, MacOS Mojave