Las siguientes obras en el último MacOS que estoy usando actualmente (High Sierra 10.13.5 Beta) y en el último iTunes (
He escrito un AppleScript que utiliza UI Scripting y compila una lista de canciones compradas en iTunes. El script abrirá un nuevo documento TextEdit y rellenará las canciones en un formato delimitado por comas y contendrá el número secuencial, el nombre de la canción, el artista, el álbum y la duración de la canción. El resultado será similar a esto:
"Nr","Song Name","Artist","Album","Duration"
"1","Badinerie","Lucero Tena","Lección de castañuelas","1:03"
"2","El colibrí","Lucero Tena","Lección de castañuelas","1:07"
"3","El relicario","Lucero Tena","Lección de castañuelas","1:36"
Aquí está el script:
tell application "iTunes" to activate
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document at the front with properties {name:"iTunes purchased.txt"}
delay 1
tell application "System Events" to click menu item "Make Plain Text" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Format" of menu bar 1 of application process "TextEdit"
end tell
tell application "iTunes" to activate
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "1" using {command down}
set w to window "iTunes" of application process "iTunes"
click radio button "Store" of radio group 1 of w
delay 2
set webarea to UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 1 of splitter group 1 of w
click static text "Purchased" of UI element "Purchased" of group 6 of list 2 of webarea
delay 2
click radio button "All" of tab group 1 of group 2 of webarea
delay 3
click radio button "Songs" of tab group 1 of group 5 of webarea
delay 5
set allRows to UI elements of table 1 of webarea
set entireContent to quote & "Nr" & quote & "," & quote & "Song Name" & quote & "," & quote & "Artist" & quote & "," & quote & "Album" & quote & "," & quote & "Duration" & quote & return
tell application "TextEdit" to activate
repeat with aRow in allRows
if class of aRow is row then
set gr to UI element 1 of group 1 of UI element 2 of aRow
if class of gr is group then
set songNum to value of static text 1 of group 1 of UI element 1 of aRow
set songName to value of static text 1 of group 2 of UI element 2 of aRow
set songArtist to value of static text 1 of group 1 of UI element 1 of UI element 3 of aRow
set album to UI element 1 of UI element 4 of aRow
set songAlbum to ""
if (count of UI elements of album) is greater than 0 then
set songAlbum to value of static text 1 of group 1 of album
end if
set songDuration to ""
set dur to UI element 5 of aRow
if (count of UI elements of dur) is greater than 0 then
set songDuration to value of static text 1 of group 1 of dur
end if
set aLine to quote & songNum & quote & "," & quote & songName & quote & "," & quote & songArtist & quote & "," & quote & songAlbum & quote & "," & quote & songDuration & quote
set entireContent to entireContent & aLine & return
tell application "TextEdit" to set text of front document to entireContent
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
El proceso no es rápido, en mi computadora toma alrededor de 1 segundo por canción así que prepárate para esperar un rato. Además, si empiezas a obtener algunos errores "fuera de índice" inténtalo, mientras el script se está ejecutando, desplazando la lista de canciones de iTunes en segundo plano para asegurarte de que se cargue todo el contenido de la lista antes de que se acceda a ella con AppleScript.