> geoipupdate; geoiplookup
> echo $?
No se imprime ninguna salida. Según esta publicación no debe ser GeoIP-datos. Cómo usar que en macOS?
> brew search geoip
geoip geoipupdate
homebrew/nginx/geoip2-nginx-module homebrew/php/php53-geoip homebrew/php/php54-geoip homebrew/php/php55-geoip homebrew/php/php56-geoip homebrew/php/php70-geoip homebrew/php/php71-geoip
No hay tal paquete. Cómo usar geoiplookup en macOS / Homebrew?
> brew info geoip
geoip: stable 1.6.9 (bottled), HEAD
This library is for the GeoIP Legacy format (dat)
/usr/local/Cellar/geoip/1.6.9 (17 files, 548.9K) *
Poured from bottle on 2017-01-21 at 19:22:56
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/geoip.rb
==> Dependencies
Optional: geoipupdate ✔
==> Options
Build a universal binary
Build with geoipupdate support
Install HEAD version
> brew info geoipupdate
geoipupdate: stable 2.3.1 (bottled), HEAD
Automatic updates of GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy databases
/usr/local/Cellar/geoipupdate/2.3.1 (13 files, 83.7K) *
Poured from bottle on 2017-01-21 at 19:25:04
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/geoipupdate.rb
==> Options
Build a universal binary
Install HEAD version
Deseo para el uso local de los datos de Geo, no consulta externa alojadas en la web de la API.