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Lion en el dominio LDAP de Linux

Necesito poner un escritorio Mac OS X Lion en el dominio de una red corporativa - Linux LDAP.

El Mac ya está captando la IP y el nombre DNS liberado. Pero no puedo iniciar sesión en la red corporativa.


2012-08-06 14:26:07.780 BRT - opendirectoryd (build 172.10) launched...
2012-08-06 14:26:07.780 BRT - Logging level limit changed to 'error'
2012-08-06 14:26:07.788 BRT - Initialize trigger support
2012-08-06 14:26:07.789 BRT - Registered node with name '/Active Directory' as hidden
2012-08-06 14:26:07.790 BRT - Registered node with name '/Configure' as hidden
2012-08-06 14:26:07.790 BRT - Discovered configuration for node name '/Contacts' at path '/Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations//Contacts.plist'
2012-08-06 14:26:07.790 BRT - Registered node with name '/Contacts'
2012-08-06 14:26:07.791 BRT - Registered node with name '/LDAPv3' as hidden
2012-08-06 14:26:07.793 BRT - Registered node with name '/Local' as hidden
2012-08-06 14:26:07.794 BRT - Registered node with name '/NIS' as hidden
2012-08-06 14:26:07.794 BRT - Discovered configuration for node name '/Search' at path '/Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations//Search.plist'
2012-08-06 14:26:07.794 BRT - Registered node with name '/Search'
2012-08-06 14:26:08.485 BRT - Discovered configuration for node name '/LDAPv3/hpp.br' at path '/Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3/hpp.br.plist'
2012-08-06 14:26:08.485 BRT - Registered subnode with name '/LDAPv3/hpp.br'
2012-08-06 14:26:08.486 BRT - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/legacy.bundle'
2012-08-06 14:26:08.488 BRT - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/search.bundle'
2012-08-06 14:26:09.491 BRT - '/Search' has registered, loading additional services
2012-08-06 14:26:09.491 BRT - Initialize augmentation support
2012-08-06 14:26:09.494 BRT - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/SystemCache.bundle'
2012-08-06 14:26:09.498 BRT - Successfully registered for Kernel identity service requests
2012-08-06 14:26:09.503 BRT - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/PlistFile.bundle'
2012-08-06 14:26:09.504 BRT - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/FDESupport.bundle'
2012-08-06 14:26:09.525 BRT - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/ConfigurationProfiles.bundle'
2012-08-06 14:26:09.526 BRT - Registered subnode with name '/Local/Default'
2012-08-06 14:26:09.532 BRT - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/ldap.bundle'
2012-08-06 14:26:10.238 BRT - Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/AppleODClient.bundle'
2012-08-06 14:30:40.625 BRT - Starting shutdown process...
2012-08-06 14:30:40.625 BRT - Deregistered with Kernel for identity service requests

system.log (parte final)

véase pastebin demasiado grande para incluirlo aquí



David N. Welton Puntos 146

¿Has intentado buscar en Google la respuesta a tu pregunta? Es bastante sencillo:



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