Esto ha empezado a ocurrir varias veces hoy. Durante unos 20 segundos, el teclado y el touchpad de mi Macbook Pro dejan de responder a las entradas. Todo lo demás funciona bien y puedo ver el movimiento en mi pantalla. Estoy ejecutando la última versión de Mountain Lion, y creo que esto puede tener algo que ver:
1/10/12 12:58:01.173 PM[20]: Session 100032 created
1/10/12 12:58:03.363 PM mdworker[3501]: Unable to talk to lsboxd
1/10/12 12:58:03.381 PM mdworker[3499]: Unable to talk to lsboxd
1/10/12 12:58:03.397 PM mdworker[3500]: Unable to talk to lsboxd
1/10/12 12:58:03.451 PM sandboxd[3502]: ([3501]) mdworker(3501) deny mach-lookup
1/10/12 12:58:03.457 PM sandboxd[3502]: ([3499]) mdworker(3499) deny mach-lookup
1/10/12 12:58:03.464 PM sandboxd[3502]: ([3500]) mdworker(3500) deny mach-lookup
1/10/12 12:58:03.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(3502) deny mach-lookup
1/10/12 12:58:21.779 PM postfix/qmgr[1368]: warning: connect to transport private/retry: Connection refused
1/10/12 12:58:49.000 PM kernel[0]: USBF: 10675.120 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff80161fe000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0xfa, timing out! (Addr: 7, EP: 0)
1/10/12 12:58:55.000 PM kernel[0]: USBF: 10681.122 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff80161fe000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0xfa, timing out! (Addr: 7, EP: 0)
1/10/12 12:59:01.000 PM kernel[0]: USBF: 10687.126 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff80161fe000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0xfa, timing out! (Addr: 7, EP: 0)
1/10/12 12:59:07.000 PM kernel[0]: USBF: 10693.129 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff80161fe000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0xfa, timing out! (Addr: 7, EP: 0)
1/10/12 12:59:19.000 PM kernel[0]: USBF: 10705.134 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff80161fe000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0xfa, timing out! (Addr: 7, EP: 0)
1/10/12 12:59:20.647 PM Google Chrome Helper[3659]: Unsure about the internals of CFAllocator but going to patch them anyway. If there is a crash inside of CFAllocatorAllocate, please report it at . If there is a crash and it is NOT inside of CFAllocatorAllocate, it is NOT RELATED. DO NOT REPORT IT THERE but rather FILE A NEW BUG.
1/10/12 12:59:20.887 PM Google Chrome Helper[3659]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
1/10/12 12:59:20.888 PM Google Chrome Helper[3659]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1100)
1/10/12 12:59:25.000 PM kernel[0]: USBF: 10711.136 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff80161fe000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0xfa, timing out! (Addr: 7, EP: 0)
1/10/12 12:59:25.000 PM kernel[0]: USBF: 10711.137 IOUSBCompositeDriver[0xffffff8019c10600](IOUSBDevice) GetFullConfigDescriptor(0) returned NULL
1/10/12 12:59:31.000 PM kernel[0]: USBF: 10717.139 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff80161fe000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0xfa, timing out! (Addr: 7, EP: 0)
1/10/12 12:59:34.470 PM Google Chrome Helper[3660]: Unsure about the internals of CFAllocator but going to patch them anyway. If there is a crash inside of CFAllocatorAllocate, please report it at . If there is a crash and it is NOT inside of CFAllocatorAllocate, it is NOT RELATED. DO NOT REPORT IT THERE but rather FILE A NEW BUG.
1/10/12 12:59:35.245 PM Google Chrome Helper[3660]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
1/10/12 12:59:35.245 PM Google Chrome Helper[3660]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1100)
1/10/12 12:59:37.127 PM iTunes[3271]: tid:c07 - error getting plugin interface for device: 0xe00002be
1/10/12 12:59:37.000 PM kernel[0]: USBF: 10723.141 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff80161fe000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0xfa, timing out! (Addr: 7, EP: 0)
1/10/12 12:59:40.906 PM imagent[523]: [Warning] XMPPNodeStream: error Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out" occurred on input
1/10/12 12:59:40.916 PM imagent[523]: [Warning] XMPPConnection: Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out"
1/10/12 12:59:49.477 PM[20]: Killing auth hosts
1/10/12 12:59:49.477 PM[20]: Session 100028 destroyed
1/10/12 1:00:00.832 PM launchctl[3666]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
1/10/12 1:00:00.937 PM launchctl[3674]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
1/10/12 1:00:01.422 PM Google Chrome Helper[3675]: Unsure about the internals of CFAllocator but going to patch them anyway. If there is a crash inside of CFAllocatorAllocate, please report it at . If there is a crash and it is NOT inside of CFAllocatorAllocate, it is NOT RELATED. DO NOT REPORT IT THERE but rather FILE A NEW BUG.
1/10/12 1:00:01.759 PM Google Chrome Helper[3675]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
1/10/12 1:00:01.759 PM Google Chrome Helper[3675]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1100)
1/10/12 1:00:02.799 PM Google Chrome Helper[3676]: Unsure about the internals of CFAllocator but going to patch them anyway. If there is a crash inside of CFAllocatorAllocate, please report it at . If there is a crash and it is NOT inside of CFAllocatorAllocate, it is NOT RELATED. DO NOT REPORT IT THERE but rather FILE A NEW BUG.
1/10/12 1:00:06.034 PM Google Chrome Helper[3676]: bootstrap_look_up2 failed with 0x44c
1/10/12 1:00:06.034 PM Google Chrome Helper[3676]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1100)
1/10/12 1:00:41.222 PM mdworker[3685]: Unable to talk to lsboxd
1/10/12 1:00:41.229 PM mdworker[3687]: Unable to talk to lsboxd
1/10/12 1:00:41.236 PM mdworker[3686]: Unable to talk to lsboxd
1/10/12 1:00:41.320 PM sandboxd[3688]: ([3685]) mdworker(3685) deny mach-lookup
1/10/12 1:00:41.326 PM sandboxd[3688]: ([3687]) mdworker(3687) deny mach-lookup
1/10/12 1:00:41.333 PM sandboxd[3688]: ([3686]) mdworker(3686) deny mach-lookup
1/10/12 1:00:41.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(3688) deny mach-lookup
1/10/12 1:00:59.527 PM[1]: (com.adobe.fpsaud[3692]) Exited with code: 210
1/10/12 1:01:40.905 PM imagent[523]: [Warning] XMPPNodeStream: error Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out" occurred on input
1/10/12 1:01:40.914 PM imagent[523]: [Warning] XMPPConnection: Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out"
1/10/12 1:01:43.707 PM assistantd[3700]: <Error>: Session - Connection error: <ADAceConnection: 0x7f8a91c38910> Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out"
1/10/12 1:01:43.715 PM assistantd[3700]: <Error>: Daemon - Session Error Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out"
1/10/12 1:02:08.402 PM Dock[492]: no information back from LS about running process
0 votos
Este entrada de registro particular no parece tener que ver con tu problema; está relacionado con Spotlight y tengo estos mismos mensajes sin que se me congele el teclado. ¿puedes publicar más entradas en el registro?
0 votos
He publicado un registro más completo de lo que ocurrió durante esa edición, pero sospecho que hay demasiados sospechosos para elegir.
0 votos
¿Qué modelo de MacBook Pro? 2010? Aquí MacBookPro5,2.
1 votos
El respuesta aceptada a Tiempos de espera en AppleUSBEHCI: ¿cómo puedo averiguar cuál es la causa? puede ayudarle a identificar los dispositivos afectados por los tiempos de espera.