Lo he intentado con Automator sin conseguirlo haciendo un bucle con los archivos caídos.
Aquí hay una acción de carpeta script que hace lo que quieres, y cómo adjuntarla a una carpeta :
1. Abra el editor de AppleScript
2. Pegue el siguiente script en un nuevo documento
property mail_subject : "An image for you"
property mail_plain_content : "Attached you will the image you required." & return & return & "Best Regards" & return & "Automator"
property mail_html_content : "Attached you will the image you required.<br><br>Best Regards<br>Automator"
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
end adding folder items to
on processItems(these_items)
repeat with i from 1 to (count of these_items)
set this_item to item i of these_items
if isFolder(this_item) then
end if
end repeat
end processItems
on processFile(this_file)
set mail_address to RemoveExtension(getFileName(this_file))
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:mail_subject, plain text content:mail_plain_content, content:mail_html_content}
tell newMessage
make new recipient with properties {email address:{address:mail_address}}
make new attachment with properties {file:this_file as alias}
end tell
end tell
end processFile
on isFolder(this_item)
tell application "System Events" to return (exists folder (this_item as string))
end isFolder
on RemoveExtension(this_name)
-- This function comes from :
-- http://www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/sbrt/index.html
if this_name contains "." then
set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
set dot_offset to the offset of "." in this_name
set this_name to (text (dot_offset + 1) thru -1 of this_name)
set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
end if
return this_name
end RemoveExtension
on getExtension(this_name)
if this_name contains "." then
set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
set dot_offset to the offset of "." in this_name
set this_name to (text 1 thru (dot_offset - 1) of this_name)
set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
return this_name
return ""
end if
end getExtension
on getFileName(this_file)
tell application "Finder" to return name of this_file
end getFileName
on getFolderItems(this_folder)
tell application "Finder" to return items of this_folder
end getFolderItems
3. Guárdalo en tu ~/Library/scripts/Folder Action scripts Carpeta
Menú Archivo > Guardar
Vaya a la carpeta correcta: pulse cmd + G y pegar:
~/Library/scripts/Folder Action scripts
y haga clic en Ir a
Guardar como : Imagen - Correo electrónico usando el nombre como dirección.scpt (por ejemplo)
Formato : script
4. Cree una nueva carpeta que será vigilada para los elementos añadidos
5. Asociar el script a la carpeta
En el Finder, haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en su carpeta y seleccione Servicios > Configuración de las acciones de la carpeta Seleccione el nuevo creado Imagen - Correo electrónico usando el nombre como dirección.scpt script
Ya está, suelta un archivo cuyo nombre es una dirección, el correo será enviado.