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Mail applescript dejó de funcionar en Yosemite

Este script dejó de funcionar en Yosemite. Cualquier sugerencia sería muy apreciada.

tell application "Mail"

    set _msgs_to_move to (a reference to (every message of mailbox "INBOX" of every account whose flagged status is false and was replied to is true))
    set _msg_list to contents of _msgs_to_move
    if (_msg_list's length > 0) then
        move _msgs_to_move to mailbox "messaggi letti"
    end if
    -- End update for 10.7.0
end try
end tell

Me aparece el siguiente error:

obtener todos los mensajes del buzón "INBOX" de cada cuenta cuyo estado = falso y fue respondido = verdadero
--> número de error -1728 de buzón "INBOX" de cada cuenta




user1202609 Puntos 21

Gracias al comentario de Buscar lo he solucionado:

tell application "Mail"
set accountlist to the name of every account
    repeat with n from 1 to (the number of items in accountlist)
        set _msgs_to_move to (a reference to (every message of mailbox "INBOX" of the account (item n of accountlist) whose flagged status is false and was replied to is true))
        set _msg_list to contents of _msgs_to_move
        if (_msg_list's length > 0) then
            move _msgs_to_move to mailbox "messaggi letti"
        end if
    end repeat
end try
end tell


Malik hassan Puntos 16

¿Obtiene los mismos resultados utilizando

tell application "Mail"
set _msgs_to_move to every message of inbox whose flagged status is false and was replied to is true
    log (count of _msgs_to_move)

end tell


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