Puede ejecutar un script como éste en el Editor de AppleScript:
tell application "Safari"
set w to window 1
set namelist to name of tabs of window 1
repeat with i from 1 to (count namelist)
set item i of namelist to (i & " " & (item i of namelist)) as text
end repeat
set answer to choose from list namelist with multiple selections allowed
if answer is false then return
make new document
repeat with i in (reverse of answer)
move tab ((word 1 of i) as integer) of w to beginning of tabs of window 1
end repeat
delete tab -1 of window 1
end tell
Esto mueve la pestaña actual y todas las pestañas a su derecha a una nueva ventana:
tell application "Safari"
set l to tabs of window 1 where index ≥ (get index of current tab of window 1)
make new document
repeat with t in (reverse of l)
move t to beginning of tabs of window 1
end repeat
delete tab -1 of window 1
end tell
Sin embargo, ambos scripts recargan cada pestaña.
Normalmente sólo copio las URLs de las pestañas como texto:
set text item delimiters to linefeed
tell application "Safari" to URL of tabs of window 1
set the clipboard to result as text
Entonces puedo, por ejemplo, copiar parte de las líneas y ejecutar open $(pbpaste)