Aquí está mi pequeño script para hacer lo que usted está pidiendo. Probado en un par de canciones en mi iTunes 11 bajo Snow Leopard y funciona muy bien.
tell application "iTunes"
set myMusicLib to some playlist whose special kind is Music
log "Debug: Count of library items: " & (count of tracks of myMusicLib)
set myNewTracks to (get tracks in myMusicLib whose bit rate is greater than 256)
log "Debug: Count hi bit rate tracks: " & (count of myNewTracks)
repeat with newTrack in myNewTracks
-- Try to match it with a low bit rate track
set trackName to name of newTrack
set albumName to album of newTrack
--log "Debug: Hi Rate Track Name: " & (get name of newTrack)
--log "Debug: Rate: " & (get bit rate of newTrack)
set oldTracks to {}
set oldTracks to (get tracks in myMusicLib ¬
whose bit rate is less than 256 ¬
and name is trackName ¬
and album is albumName)
end try
if (count of oldTracks) is 1 then
log "Debug: Dup Name: " & trackName
log "Debug: BitRate: " & (get bit rate of item 1 of oldTracks)
set oldPlayCount to (get played count of item 1 of oldTracks)
set played count of newTrack to oldPlayCount
log "Debug: Reset Play Count to: " & oldPlayCount
set oldRating to (get rating of item 1 of oldTracks)
set rating of newTrack to oldRating
log "Debug: Reset rating to: " & oldRating
end if
if (count of oldTracks) is greater than 1 then
log "ERROR: Found more than 1 duplicate. Not doing anything."
end if
end repeat
end tell
Usted puede obtener una idea de lo que está pasando mirando la salida envía al panel Eventos. Sólo se ejecute dentro del Editor Applescript y haga clic en los Eventos Y las Respuestas de los botones a deshabilita la acción de ellos.
![Output of script]()
Para limitar la secuencia de comandos se puede cambiar la línea
set myNewTracks to (get tracks in myMusicLib whose bit rate is greater than 256)
set myNewTracks to (get tracks in myMusicLib whose bit rate is greater than 256 and Album is "My Album Name")