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Acción de carpeta Applescript para enviar un archivo por correo electrónico

¿Qué le pasa a este script?

Sigo recibiendo un error de sintaxis en la palabra mensaje en la línea 9.

    property defaultEmailApplication : "Microsoft Outlook" -- change this to the name of your default email application

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
    repeat with added_item in added_items
        tell application "Finder"
            set file_extension to name extension of added_item
            if file_extension is "eml" then
                set file_path to quoted form of POSIX path of added_item
                tell application defaultEmailApplication
                    set new_message to make new message with properties {visible:true}
                    set message_content to read file file_path as «class utf8»
                    tell new_message
                        set message_subject to subject of (first message of (import message from message_content))
                        set message_body to content of (first message of (import message from message_content))
                        set message_attachments to every mail attachment of (first message of (import message from message_content))
                        set subject to message_subject
                        set content to message_body
                        repeat with attachment_file in message_attachments
                            make new attachment with properties {file name:attachment_file}
                        end repeat
                    end tell
                end tell
            end if
        end tell
    end repeat
end adding folder items to


Program5284 Puntos 18

Creo que el error viene de la variable que has puesto en la línea 1 de tu script. Establecer una variable como esta no es necesario y puede causar errores. Sólo tienes que eliminar esta variable y cambiar su nombre en la línea 9 (por debajo de l.7) a su aplicación de correo electrónico 1 entre comillas dobles. Aquí está todo el script (ver l.7 para correcciones) :

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
    repeat with added_item in added_items
        tell application "Finder"
            set file_extension to name extension of added_item
            if file_extension is "eml" then
                set file_path to quoted form of POSIX path of added_item
                tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
                    set new_message to make new message with properties {visible:true}
                    set message_content to read file file_path as «class utf8»
                    tell new_message
                        set message_subject to subject of (first message of (import message from message_content))
                        set message_body to content of (first message of (import message from message_content))
                        set message_attachments to every mail attachment of (first message of (import message from message_content))
                        set subject to message_subject
                        set content to message_body
                        repeat with attachment_file in message_attachments
                            make new attachment with properties {file name:attachment_file}
                        end repeat
                    end tell
                end tell
            end if
        end tell
    end repeat
end adding folder items to

1 Según tu script, veo que tu aplicación de correo electrónico es "Microsoft Outlook", eso es lo que he incluido en el script (l.7).


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