Gracias a todos los que me han ayudado a encontrar una solución. Finalmente escribí el Applescript que encontrar pistas rusas y después de promting eliminarlos. El script utiliza musicbrainz API(gracias @SaaruLindestøkke).
Para analizar la respuesta JSON de la API debe instalar la [JSON Helper App][1] -, de lo contrario script no funcionará.
global russianCities
set russianCities to {"Moscow", "Saint Petersburg", "Novosibirsk", "Yekaterinburg", "Kazan", "Nizhny Novgorod", "Chelyabinsk", "Krasnoyarsk", "Samara", "Ufa", "Rostov-on-Don", "Omsk", "Krasnodar", "Voronezh", "Perm", "Volgograd", "Saratov", "Tyumen", "Barnaul", "Izhevsk", "Makhachkala", "Khabarovsk", "Ulyanovsk", "Irkutsk", "Vladivostok", "Yaroslavl", "Kemerovo", "Tomsk", "Sevastopol", "Stavropol", "Orenburg", "Ryazan", "Penza", "Cheboksary", "Lipetsk", "Kaliningrad", "Astrakhan", "Tula", "Kirov", "Kursk", "Ulan-Ude", "Tver", "Bryansk", "Ivanovo", "Yakutsk", "Vladimir", "Belgorod", "Kaluga", "Chita", "Grozny", "Smolensk", "Saransk", "Vologda", "Kurgan", "Oryol", "Arkhangelsk", "Vladikavkaz", "Yoshkar-Ola", "Murmansk", "Kostroma", "Tambov", "Nalchik", "Blagoveshchensk", "Petrozavodsk", "Veliky Novgorod", "Syktyvkar", "Pskov", "Abakan", "Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk", "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky", "Maykop", "Kyzyl", "Cherkessk", "Khanty-Mansiysk", "Elista", "Magadan", "Birobidzhan", "Gorno-Altaysk"}
on isMatchArtistName(appleAPIArtist, brainsAPIArtist)
if appleAPIArtist contains |name| of brainsAPIArtist or appleAPIArtist contains |sort-name| of brainsAPIArtist then
return true
end if
repeat with al in |aliases| of brainsAPIArtist
if appleAPIArtist contains |name| of al then
return true
end if
end repeat
on error errMsg
--log "ERROR: " & errMsg
end try
return false
end isMatchArtistName
on getIsRussianArtist(theArtist, strict)
set weblink to "'' --data-urlencode 'limit=10' --data-urlencode 'fmt=json' --data-urlencode " & quoted form of ("query=" & theArtist)
log weblink
set curl_command to "curl -G -v " & weblink
log curl_command
set res to do shell script curl_command
tell application "JSON Helper"
set parsedJSON to read JSON from res
set artists to artists of parsedJSON
repeat with artist in artists
set checkArtist to true
if strict then
set checkArtist to my isMatchArtistName(theArtist, artist)
end if
if checkArtist then
set theCountry to country of artist
if theCountry contains "UA" then
return false
end if
if theCountry contains "RU" then
return true
end if
on error errMsg
log "ERROR: " & errMsg
end try
set theArea to |name| of area of artist
if russianCities contains theArea then
return true
end if
on error errMsg
log "ERROR: " & errMsg
end try
end if
end repeat
end tell
return false
end getIsRussianArtist
on composePlaylistName(name, id)
set nextName to name & "(ID:" & id & ")"
return nextName
end composePlaylistName
on pickThePlaylist()
tell application "Music"
set AllUserPlaylists to every user playlist
set thePlaylistNames to {}
repeat with thePlaylist in AllUserPlaylists
set end of thePlaylistNames to my composePlaylistName(name of thePlaylist, id of thePlaylist)
end repeat
set thePickedPlaylistName to choose from list thePlaylistNames with prompt "Select your playlist:"
set currentPlaylist to first item of AllUserPlaylists
repeat with thePlaylist in AllUserPlaylists
if thePickedPlaylistName contains my composePlaylistName(name of thePlaylist, id of thePlaylist) then
return tracks of thePlaylist
end if
end repeat
error "Playlist was not found."
end tell
end pickThePlaylist
on composeTrackName(artist, name, id)
set nextName to artist & "-" & name & "(ID:" & id & ")"
return nextName
end composeTrackName
on pickRussianTracksToDelete(theTracks)
tell application "Music"
set theTrackNames to {}
repeat with theTrack in theTracks
set end of theTrackNames to my composeTrackName(artist of theTrack, name of theTrack, id of theTrack)
end repeat
set thePickedPlaylistNames to choose from list theTrackNames with prompt "Select the tracks you want to delete(this is a multiple selection list, use 'Command () + Mouse Click' to select/unselect):" default items theTrackNames with multiple selections allowed
set selectedTracks to {}
repeat with theTrack in theTracks
repeat with pickedName in thePickedPlaylistNames
if pickedName contains my composeTrackName(artist of theTrack, name of theTrack, id of theTrack) then
set end of selectedTracks to theTrack
end if
end repeat
end repeat
return selectedTracks
end tell
end pickRussianTracksToDelete
on promptForStrictMode()
tell application "Music"
set theDialogText to "Hello. I will remove russian songs from your playlist. The script is working in two modes:
1. Strict - only russian songs will be affected but many songs may be skipped.
2. No Strict - finding more russian songs, but also Ukrainian songs might be affected."
set result to display dialog theDialogText buttons {"No Strict", "Strict"} default button "Strict"
set isStrict to button returned of result is equal to "Strict"
return isStrict
end tell
end promptForStrictMode
on initProgressBar(tracksCount)
set progress total steps to tracksCount
set progress completed steps to 0
set progress description to "Processing Songs..."
set progress additional description to "Preparing to process."
end initProgressBar
on updateProgressBar(a, tracksCount)
set progress additional description to "Processing song " & a & " of " & tracksCount
set progress completed steps to a
end updateProgressBar
on resetProgressBar()
set progress total steps to 0
set progress completed steps to 0
set progress description to ""
set progress additional description to ""
end resetProgressBar
on findAndDeleteRussianTracks()
set strict to my promptForStrictMode()
set currentPlaylist to my pickThePlaylist()
set delayTime to 0.5
set russianTracks to {}
settracksCount to length of currentPlaylist
--initial set of progress bar
my initProgressBar(tracksCount)
repeat with a from 1 to length of currentPlaylist
set theTrack to item a of currentPlaylist
delay delayTime
my updateProgressBar(a, tracksCount)
tell application "Music"
set isRussianArtist to my getIsRussianArtist(artist of theTrack, strict)
if isRussianArtist is true then
set end of russianTracks to theTrack
end if
end tell
end repeat
my resetProgressBar()
tell application "Music"
if (count of russianTracks) is equal to 0 then
set theDialogText to "Russian songs were not found. Try another playlist."
display dialog theDialogText
return my copyRussianTrackToPlaylist()
end if
set selectedTracks to my pickRussianTracksToDelete(russianTracks)
repeat with theTrack in currentPlaylist
repeat with theDeleteTrack in selectedTracks
if (id of theDeleteTrack) is (id of theTrack) then
log "delete" & id of theTrack
delete theTrack
end if
on error errMsg
log "Error: " & errMsg
end try
end repeat
end repeat
set theDialogText to "HOORAY! Your Playlist was cleared from russian songs."
display dialog theDialogText buttons {"Okay"} default button "Okay"
end tell
end findAndDeleteRussianTracks
my findAndDeleteRussianTracks()