La única manera, creo, de hacer visible una aplicación cuyo "Info.plist" contiene "La aplicación es sólo de fondo" es Verdadero, es editar el archivo plist y establecer el valor de "La aplicación es sólo de fondo" a Falso o No o 0.
El siguiente código AppleScript le ayudará a hacer exactamente eso Muy rápidamente
set plistFile to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt ¬
"Select a .plist file to edit from within an app's \"Contents\" folder." of type ¬
"" with invisibles and showing package contents)
set appName to do shell script "defaults read " & quoted form of plistFile & " CFBundleName"
set currentStateOfBackgroundOnly to do shell script "defaults read " & ¬
quoted form of plistFile & " LSBackgroundOnly"
on error errMsg number errNum
set currentStateOfBackgroundOnly to "0"
end try
if currentStateOfBackgroundOnly = "0" then
set appStatus to appName & " Is NOT currently running in \"Background Only\" mode."
set appStatus to appName & " IS currently running in \"Background Only\" mode."
end if
set theChoice to (choose from list {"Run In Background", "Don't Run In Background"} ¬
with title "Run " & appName & ".app in the background only?" with prompt ¬
appStatus & linefeed & linefeed & "Would you like to run " & appName & ¬
".app in the background only?" OK button name "OK" cancel button name "Cancel") as text
if theChoice = "Run In Background" then
do shell script "defaults write " & quoted form of plistFile & " LSBackgroundOnly" & " -bool True"
else if theChoice = "Don't Run In Background" then
do shell script "defaults write " & quoted form of plistFile & " LSBackgroundOnly" & " -bool False"
end if
![enter image description here]()