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Comando de terminal "Transform" en AppleScript

He creado este comando de terminal y funciona perfectamente. Ahora me gustaría terminarlo...

find /Users/xxxxx/Downloads/PDF -iname "*.pdf" |tr "\n" "\0" |xargs -0 /Users/xxxxx/Downloads/cpdf-binaries-master/OSX-Intel/cpdf -o /Users/xxxxx/Downloads/PDF/merged.pdf

Ahora la pregunta... al ejecutar el comando me gustaría que apareciera la ventana del buscador para "dónde buscar" y al final una ventana del buscador para "dónde guardar". ¿Es posible? ¿Cómo podría resolverlo?

Gracias a todos


hjdm Puntos 18

Es posible pedir carpetas en AppleScript, aquí hay un ejemplo:

set theInputFolder to choose folder with prompt "Please select input folder:"
set theInputFolderPOSIX to POSIX path of theInputFolder -- POSIX path that is used in shell scripts
set quotedInputFolder to quoted form of theInputFolderPOSIX -- quoted form to handle spaces in path

set theOutputFolder to choose folder with prompt "Please select output folder:"
set theOutputFolderPOSIX to POSIX path of theOutputFolder -- POSIX path that is used in shell scripts
set quotedOutputFolder to quoted form of theOutputFolderPOSIX -- quoted form to handle spaces in path

set theResponse to display dialog "Output filename" default answer "merged" with icon note buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button "Continue"

do shell script "find " & quotedInputFolder & " -iname '*.pdf' |tr '\n' '\\0' |xargs -0 /Users/xxxxx/Downloads/cpdf-binaries-master/OSX-Intel/cpdf -o " & quotedOutputFolder & "/"  & (text returned of theResponse) & ".pdf"

Nota: Es más seguro utilizar formas entrecomilladas, debido a los posibles espacios en la ruta de la carpeta.


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